Science Exam Revision Flashcards
an area that consists of biotic and abiotic components
A part of a larger whole
non living component of an ecosystem
all living component of an ecosystem from animals to plants
a collection of components
Not allowing resources to be wasted and using it efficiently
Any substance that has mass and uses space to create volume
Using natural resources efficiently so it can be used now and in the future
A microorganism or any organism that causes or can cause a virus or a disease
A disease-causing organism that can be transmitted to others and is contagious
An illness that has a negative impact on organisms and causes specific symptoms
An organism that has multiple cells
An organism with one cell
A number of all the organisms of the same specie who live in a particular area
The surrounding of an organism where it lives or operates
Biological Footprint
The amount of nature it takes to assist people or an economy
Climate change
Long-term change in the average weather which affects the environment in negative ways
Ecological Footprint
An ecological footprint is the amount of land and water that is needed to produce all the food, energy and products that a typical person uses
Nitrogen Cycle
The nitrogen cycle is a series of processes by which nitrogen and its compounds are converted in the environment and in living organisms, including nitrogen fixation and decomposition
Why is nitrogen important?
Plants need nitrogen for production of protein
Herbivores get nitrates from eating plants
An antigen is a foreign particle that triggers an immune response and the production of antibodies
Lymphocytes are a type of white blood type cell found in the blood of lymph nodes. They are made of bone marrow.
Three lines of defense and provide examples.
The first line of defense involves physical barriers such as hair, skin, and mucus which work to prevent the entering of viruses into the body. The second line of defense involves chemical barriers such as fever, inflammatory response, and engulfing of antigens by phagocytes. The third line of defense targets pathogens that made it past the first and second line of defense. It involves t-cells that directly attack antigens or coordinate the activity of other immune system cells and b cells which produce plasma cells that produce antibodies that then attack antigens.
Difference between ES and NS
The endocrine system functions using hormones(chemical) in the blood system whereas, the nervous system uses the nerves(electrical) in the body. The endocrine is slow acting but lasts for a long period of time. The nervous system is fast acting but lasts a shorter period of time. The endocrine system contains irreversible changes while the nervous system contains reversible changes.
Non-infectious disease
Non-infectious disease is not passed or transmitted directly or indirectly from person to another. It is caused by genetic, malnutrition, etc.
Electrons and Protons equal the same but neutrons different
Oxygen Cycle