Science (bio) Flashcards
What is a cell
The building blocks of all organisms.
What is a stereo microscope
Hase 2 ocular lenses and uses light reflected from the surface
What is a light microscope
uses light from a mirror or lamp to pass through the specimen. Specimen must be thin.
Electron microscopes
Use beams of tiny particles instead of light and are able to magnify up to a million times
Whats a micrometer
A one-thousandth or one-millionth of a millimeter
What is feild of veiw
The maximum area visible when looking through a microscope
Who created the first microscope
Zacharias Janssen
What is the cell theory
The discovery that plant cells are not just empty boxes and have even smaller structures inside.
What are eukaryotik cells
Cells containing membrane-bound organelles and are the basis for both unicellular and multicellular organisms.
What are prokaryotic cells
Do not have any membrane-bound organelles and are only part of unicellular organisms
Difference between plant and animal and cells
Plant celss have a cell wall and cell membrane, whereas animal cells have only cell membrane.
Whats an organelle
A subcellular stucture that only has one or more specific job
What are fungal cells
Organisms that can be made of just a single cell or many cells.They form into things such as yeast and mushrooms.
Difference between multi and uni cellular organisms
Multicellular means it has more than one cell in the organism, while unicellular is when there is inly one cell forming the organism.
What is mitosis
The division of a cell into 2 identical cells.
red blood cells
They transfer oxygen from your lungs, around your body and to the cells. Found in blood vessels
white blood cells
Part of the immune system and help fight off infections. Found in lymph nodes and blood vessels.
Brown fat cells
Produce heat for the body.
White fat cells
Found underneath the skin and store energya and help keep your body at a constant temperature
Gaurd cells
Found on the leaves and stems of plants. Open and close tiny pores that allow gasses needed to enter and unneeded gasses to leave
Photosynthetic cells
Found near the surface of the green parts of stems. Uses chlorophyll to trap the suns energy which is then used for photosynthesis
Conducting cells
Long thin tubes that transport food and water from the leaves to the roots and stems. Found in the roots and stems of plants.
Structural cells
acts as the skeleton of the palnt and the cell wall is thick ant strong to provide support. Found in the cell wall
Root hairs
Root hairs increase the surface area of the root for water intake. Found in the roots of plants.
How are tissues made
Similar speacilised cells work together to complete a specific task
How are organs formed
Tissues are organised into organs which containsatleast 2 different types of tissue working together to complete a specific task.
How are organ systems formed
When organs arrange into organs sytems. 2 or more different organs work together.
Epithelial tissue
Made up of cells that form surfaces over other organs. E.g; skin
Connective tissue
Supports and hold together other tissues in the body. E.g; fat, bone
Muscle tissue
A speacialised tissue that can contract, becoming shorter and fatter. E.g; upper arm/biceps
Nerve tissue
electrical signals are sent around the body which are controlled by nerve tissue.
What does the heart do?
The tissues work together to pump blood. The blood carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells
What do the liver and pancreas do?
Produce chemicals that help with digestion.
volentary muscles (skeletal muscles)
attached to the bones of your skeleton and are used for support
involuntary muscles (smooth muscles)
controls breathing and keeping food moving through your gut
cardiac muscles
uses mitochondria to provide a continuous supply of energy that allows the heart to beat.
respiratory system
gets oxygen from the air and into your body and gets ride of waste and carbon dioxide
skeletal system
your skeleton and muscles
excretory system
gets rid of waste from the body
Nervous system
Sends messages to and from your brain
Reproductive system
Creates and transports the speacialised cells necessary for reproduction.
What do the stomach and small intestine do?
Food goes through chemical changes so it can be used by the body
Waste is stored until it us passed out if the body
Large intestine does:
Water is removed from the waste
Carries water from the roots and are long thin tubes with strong walls
Carries glucose from the leaves to all the other plant parts
Whats an example of a plant tissue
Vascular tissue: allows materials to be transported around plants and contains 2 types of cells
Plant organs include ________
Roots, stems, leaves.