The snap of a punch is directly related to the speed at which we can move the punching arm. True or False
Another influential factor on punch snap is ??? and the ability to?? and ???? the appropriate muscle groups at the correct time.
muscle activation
contract and relax
what are some training strategies to help with the snap
increasing maximal strength, availing of accommodating resistance methods, targeting core tension, and using punch-specific isometric hold variations.
boxers need to increase what and why?
max strength to help increase the rate of force production. it is a main contributor to an effective punch
From a practical perspective exposure to heavy loaded (85-95% 1RM) back squats and deadlifts require substantial tension to be generated through the core.
This frequent exposure to such high levels of tension will improve
mass around the trunk and contribute to higher levels of stiffness at the end range of punches.
true or false
Partial range lifts offer a great way to really overload the core often with loads exceeding 100% 1RM whilst minimizing any inherent injury risk associated with such high loads.