Science Flashcards
Scientific name of brain stem
Brain stem is formed by Midbrain+Pons+Medulla oblongata
What is eardrum
Eardrum is a thin membrane like structure located between the outer ear and the inner ear .It vibrates when sound hits on it
Who invented the clinical thermometer
Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit
Who invented the stethoscope
Rene Laennec
Who invented the microscope
Zacharias Janssen
First drug to be used as anesthesia
Who invented the antibiotics
Alexander Fleming
Bacteria that causes diarrhea
E.coli bacteria
First antiseptic
Carbolic acid
Who invented the first antiseptic
Joseph Lister
An Earthquakes strength is expressed using a
Richter scale
Earthquake is measured using
Original meaning of amphibians
Amphibian is a Greek word.Amphi means ‘both ‘ and bian means ‘life’
Sounds travels fastest through
Measurement of an applied force is