science 7 Flashcards
in biology the smallest unit that can perform all life processes cells are covered by a membrane and have DAN and cytoplasm
this field and almost all of its contents
cell membrane
a phospholipid layer that covers a cell surface acts as a barrier between the inside of a cell and the cell enmovermt
cell call
a rigid structure that surrounds the cell membrane and provides support ti the cell
Mitochondria / Mitochondrion
in ukaryict cell the to cell organelles that is surrounded by two members and that is the site of cellular respiration
Golgi complex
cell organellll that helps make and package materleis to tranported out of the cell
Endoplasmic reticulum
a system of membranes that is found in the cytoplasm of a cell and that assist in the production process an dtrnpost or proteins and in the production of lipids
cell organism composed of RNA and protection the sit of the proteins sythiemsn
a cell organell that comtains disgetive enymes
the organelle that stores water and other materials
one of the small bodies in a cell cytoplasm that are specialized to perform a specif function
an organism that consists of a single cell that does not have a nucleus
orgasms made up of cells that have a nucleus enclosed by a membrane eyarycpat include animals plants and fungi but not archbacutirq or enactor
a group of similar cells that performs common function
a collection similar to cells that perform a common function