Science Flashcards
The fluid in your mouth is called ______.
Ans. Saliva
This is a long, twisting tube that runs from the mouth to the anus.
Ans. Oesophagus
This is a thin membrane that vibrates when sound waves reach it.
Ans. Eardrum
These are fluid filled tubes that loop around and they help us to maintain our sense of balance.
Ans. Semicircular canals
This is the visible part of the outer ear.
Ans. Pinnacle
This is the clear, dome-shaped tissue that covers the front of the eye.
Ans. Cornea
This is a light-sensitive tissue that lines the back of the eye.
Ans. Retina
This transmits electrical impulses from the retina to the brain which then interprets what the eye is seeing.
Ans. Optic nerve
People are born with how many bones?
Ans. 270
This is also known as the collarbone.
Ans. Clavicle
This is also known as the kneecap.
Ans. Patella
This is molten rock that is found above ground after a volcanic eruption.
Ans. Lava
These are rocks that are made up of tiny bits and pieces of broken down rocks, minerals and shells.
Ans. Sedimentary rocks
________ means “change.”
Ans. Metamorphic
An audible wave is also referred to as a ____________.
Ans. Mechanical wave
This measures the intensity of sound.
Ans. Decibel
The respiratory system is sometimes referred to as the ___________.
Ans. Ventilatory system