Science Flashcards
This organ’s SA node sends signals to the AV node. This organ’s pacemaker cells make electrical
impulses, and its muscle is myocardium [MAI uh KAAR dee uhm]. The vena cava [VEE nuh KAY vuh] and aorta [ay
OR tuh] are joined to this organ, which has two chambers of ventricles and atria [ay TREE uh]. For 10 points,
name this organ that pumps blood and “beats” in your chest.
- The moai of Rapa Nui are created from this material, as was the city of Petra. Jesus renamed Simon
as Peter saying “You are” this substance. The gaze of a basilisk or the gorgon Medusa turns someone
into this material. For 10 points, what substance is typified by diorite, granite and sandstone?
Ideal versions of this state of matter obey the equation PV=nRT [p v equals n r t]. Boyle’s Law says that
volume varies inversely with pressure in this state. Molecules in this state of matter completely fill the
space of their container. For 10 points, name this state of matter that is more energetic than solids and
This material comes in many forms, some of which are easier to recycle than others. Polyethylene
[paa lee EH thuh leen] terephthalate [teh ref THA layt], which is used to make soda bottles, is commonly recycled,
whereas polystyrene [paa lee STAI reen], used for styrofoam, is much more difficult to recycle.
One strategy to minimize waste is to reduce, reuse, and to do this. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this process that is used to recover raw materials from manufactured goods to reuse. When
this process is applied to aluminum cans, the cans are re-melted so that the aluminum can be recovered.
Organic materials like food scraps and yard waste cannot be recycled, but are subject to this
process. In this process, organic materials are exposed to decomposers like fungi and earthworms and
turned into material that can be used as fertilizer.
Because the soil of wetlands are often nutrient-poor, several plants have evolved this adaptation to
get nutrients from the environment. The coastal bogs of the Carolinas are home to the Venus fly trap
which has evolved this behavior. Pitcher plants are more widespread, and use a different mechanism for the same purpose
Carnivorous plants
This system of the body is split into innate and adaptive systems. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this bodily system involved in fighting off bacterial and viral infections.
Immune System
Cells such as T cells, B cells, and neutrophils all fall under this colorfully-named general class of
blood cells, which are contrasted with oxygen-carrying red blood cells.
White blood cells
Sometimes, a hypersensitive immune response can trigger these reactions. These reactions can be
caused by pollen, as well as certain foods like peanuts or fish.
Allergic Reaction
This force’s namesake coefficient is symbolized by the Greek letter 𝜇 [mu], and it is high for coarse
surfaces and low for smooth ones. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this force that occurs whenever two objects touch each other. This force opposes an object’s
Friction between solids tends to dissipate energy as this type of energy, which you can observe by
rubbing your hands together quickly. This type of energy is associated with an increase in temperature,
but they aren’t necessarily the same!
Drag, which is analogous to friction for fluids, is high in fluids undergoing this type of flow which
creates mini-vortexes. Golf balls promote this type of air flow by having dimples, and it is also associated
with bumpy airplane rides.
Name this virus that caused a pandemic around the world starting in the spring of 2020.
Coronavirus, Covid-19, or SARS-COV-19
Unlike gasoline, engines that use this fuel don’t have spark plugs, since the heat of compression is
enough to ignite it. This fuel is typically used in trucks and farm machinery.