science Flashcards
Compaction & Cementation
Processes by with sediments are squished together and then glued together by water and minerals
Earth’s main continuous areas of land, such as Africa, Asia, and North America
Convergent Boundary
Boundary where two plates are moving toward each other
Cross Section
a diagram that shows what the inside of something looks like
Earth’s Crust
Earth’s outermost layer of hard, solid rock that is underneath the soil, vegetation, and water
Divergent Boundary
Where two plates are moving apart
a sudden shaking of Earth’s surface
the ability to make things move or change
the movement of sediment from one place to another, often caused by wind or flowing water
Volcanic Eruption
the sudden pushing out of something, such as lava from a volcano
Earth’s Mantle
the layer of soft, semi-solid rock underneath Earth’s plates
an extinct reptile that lived about 300 million years ago
Metamorphic Rock
the rock type formed when heat or pressure deep underground changes existing rock
Mid-Ocean Ridge
an underwater mountain range formed when two plates move apart
one of the different types of matter that make up rocks
Tectonic Plate
one of the very large sections of hard, solid rock that make up Earth’s outer layer
Plate Boundary
the place where two plates meet
the slow pulling apart of land that is caused by plate movement
small pieces of rock, sand, soil