Science | 10/10/23 Flashcards
Who is Robert Hooke? What did he do/invent?
Looked at a cork under a microscope. He founded cells.
Who is Anton Van Leunhooke? What did he do for a living? How did he come up with the microscope?
The inventor of the microscope. He counted threads for a living. He decided to stack glass on top of the material to enhance the threads.
Plant cell walls keep..
The cells shape
Plant chloroplast makes..
Plant larger vacuoles are used..
to stockpile food made from photosynthesis.
Cell membrane is..
like skin, on the outside of a cell.
Nucleus is..
the brain and control centre of a cell.
Vacuole is..
like the stomach, stores food, water and waste.
provides energy to the cell, and is a powerhouse.
a jelly like substance that keeps everything inside the cell in place.
provides the cell with protein (dots)
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
the intestines and is a transport system surrounding the nucleus providing it with minerals and vitamins.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
the intestines and is a transport system surrounding the nucleus providing it with minerals and vitamins.
What’s an organelle?
A small structure found within a cell; performs a specific function in a cell
What two organelles are different?
Plants have the cell wall and chloroplast while animals don’t.