School Materials Flashcards
What is a copybook in Spanish?
Un cuaderno
What is a book in Spanish?
In libro
What is a pen in Spanish?
Un bolígrafo
What is a computer in Spanish?
Un ordenador
What is an iPad in Spanish?
Una tableta
What is a dictionary in Spanish?
Un diccionario
What is a pencil in Spanish?
Un lápiz
What is a rubber in Spanish?
Una goma
What is a ruler in Spanish?
Una regla
What is a binder in Spanish?
Una carpeta
What is a sharpener in Spanish?
Un sacapuntas
What is a pencil case in Spanish?
Un estuche
What is a backpack in Spanish?
Una mochila
What is a calculator in Spanish?
Una calculadora
How do you write them as plural?
If the noun ends in a vowel you add s to make it plural e.g. Una goma= dos Gomas
If the noun ends it a consonant add es to make it plural e.g. Un ordenador=dos ordenadores
If the noun ends in z remove the z and add ces to make it plural e.g. Un lápiz=dos lápices
The only exception is sacapuntas it just stays the same for plural