School- Age Growth and Development Flashcards
6 years
self-centered, show-off, rude extreme sensitivity to criticism ~begins losing temporary teeth appearance of first permanent teeth ties knots
7 years
temporal perception improving
increased self-reliance for basic activities
team games/sports/organizations
~develops concept of time
**boys prefer playing with boys and girls with girls
girls dance with girls……………………………………. :)
and boys dance in corners!!! baaahahahhaa >:-D
8 years
friends sought out actively
eye development generally complete
movements more graceful
writing replaces printing
9 years
skillful manual work possible
conflicts between adult authorities and peer group
better behaved
conflict between needs for independence and dependence
~likes school
10-12 yrs
~remainder of teeth (except wisdom) erupt uses telephone capable of helping increasingly responsible more selective when choosing friends develops beginning of interest in opposite sex love conversation raises pet
age appropriate toys, games, activities
construction toys, use of tools, household serving tools, table game sports
participation in repair, building, and mechanical activities, household chores