Scholarship Vocabulary Lesson 14 Flashcards
Strong desire, Ambition, or Goal
Aspiration: (N)
Insult, Outrage, or Offense to dignity
Affront: (N)
Hinder, Frustrate, Thwart, or Place obstacle in the way of
Balk: (V)
No hope, Depressing, or Gloomy
Bleak: (ADJ)
Scatter, Dissipate, or Break up or cause to break up
Disperse: (V)
Twilight, Evening, or Period prior to darkness at night
Dusk: (N)
Approve openly, Support, or Back up with approval
Endorse: (V)
Immeasurable, Untold, Numerous, or Too great
Incalculable: (ADJ)
Suggest, Imply, or Discretely imply
Insinuate: (V)
Grow stronger, Strengthen, Sharpen, or Deepen
Intensify: (V)
Strip of everything, Rob, or Plunder
Loot: (V)
Seditious, Rebellious, or Plot
Mutinous: (ADJ)
Making amends, Repentant, Contrite, or Remorseful
Penitent: (ADJ)
Point of view, Viewpoint, Standpoint, or Personal outlook
Perspective: (N)
Plundering, Exploiting, Rapacious, or Predacious
Predatory: (ADJ)