Scholarship Vocab Lesson 11 Flashcards
Independence, Freedom, Working alone
What is autonomy?
Disparage, Minimize, Diminish
What is belittle?
Rough, Coarse, Inexpert
What is crude?
Harmful, Injurious, Hurtful, Working against
What is detrimental?
Imitate, Model, Present as an equal
What is emulate
Deceptive, Misleading, Wrong
What is fallacious?
Overeater, Gourmand, Someone who eats to excess
What is glutton?
Honor, Tribute, Hold in high esteem
What is homage?
Unyielding, Adamant, Not bending
What is inflexible?
Uprising, Revolt, Internal struggle
What is insurrection?
Wise, Sensible, Showing wisdom
What is judicious?
Room, Latitude, Having room to work
What is leeway?
Lapse, Slip-up, Blunder, Mistake
What is oversight?
Disciplinary, Castigating, Punishing
What is punitive?
Narrate, Retell, Describe
What is recount?
Negligible, Slight, Slender, Faint
What is remote?
After-effect, Consequence
What is repercussion
Retibution, Revenge, Counterblow
What is reprisal
Mock, Ridicule, Make-fun-of
What is taunt?
Justify, Sanction, Approve
What is warrant?