Scholarship Imperial Image Flashcards
Who said Augustus presented his powers as a limited-term provision for a specific purpose because he had to avoid open autocracy?
John Rich
Who said Octavian wanted to maintain complete control and that this happened in stages between 28 and 27BC?
Kevin Butcher
Who said Propertius exhibits cognitive dissonance?
Nandini Pandey
Who said Augustus prefers to be allusive and indirect?
Who said that the pole in the Prima Porta statue is most likely to be a spear- as Doryphoros had a spear?
Who said Propertius set himself up against what a Roman should do?
Who said Galla in Chaste and faithful Galla won’t ultimately be chaste?
Who said Metamorphoses is a metaphor for the changes happening under Augustus- and that because the changes are often painful and slow it is critical of the changes to Rome? And that the element of continuity in the changes to Rome may be a metaphor for Augustus retaining his ruthlessness
Who said Augustanism isn’t a main theme of Metamorphoses but an afterthought?
Who said the father-son parallels in Metamorphoses are problematic as all the examples given ended badly?
Who said the praise of Caesar in Metamorphoses is superficially polite?
Who said that Augustus was giving Rome hope of maintaining peace by restoring religion?
Who said Horace’s own self-presentation is composite- part Augustan, part Horace?
Who said we regard Horace as like us?
Who said the Carmen Saeculares links to marital fecundity and the future hope of Rome as it was sung by an equal number of male and female children?