Schemas Flashcards
Create a time dimension with only char_date (dw. charter) for ID, Year and Month
Create table timeDIM as select distinct to_char(char_date, ‘YYYYMM’) as TimeID, to_char(char_date, ‘Year’) as Year, to_char(char_date, ‘Month’) as Month from dw.charter
create a dimension for semester and year using (OSem and OYear from Offering2)
Create table Sem_Year DIM AS Select distinct OYear ll OSen AS Sem_ID, OYear, OSem From Offering2
Create a semester table for SemID, SemDesc, BeginDate and EndDate
Create table semesterDIM (SemID varchar2(10), SemDesc varchar2(10), BeginDate date, EndDate date)
The semester dimension should show that Semester 1 runs between 01-Jan and 18-July. Semester 2 runs between 16-July and 31 December.
Insert into semesterDIM values (‘s1’, ‘Semester1’, to_date(‘01-Jan’, ‘DD-MON’), to_date(‘15-JUL’, ‘DD-MON’)) then Insert into semesterDIM values (‘s2’, ‘Semester2’, to_date(‘16-JUL’, ‘DD-MON’), to_date(‘31-DEC’, ‘DD-MON’))
Create a lab dimension for timeID, time description, start and end time.
Create table labTimeDIM (timeID number, time_desc varchar2(15), beginTime date, endTime date)
Insert into the labTimeDim to show that morning is from 6.01 and 12.00. Then to show afternoon from 12.01 and 18.00. From evening from 18.01 and 6.00.
Insert into labTimeDIM values (1, ‘morning’, to_date(‘06:01’, ‘HH24:MI’), to_date(‘12:00’, ‘HH24:MI’)) and Insert into labTimeDIM values (2, ‘afternoon’, to_date(‘12:01’, ‘HH24:MI’), to_date(‘18:00’, ‘HH24:MI’)) and Insert into labTimeDIM values (3, ‘evening’, to_date(‘12:01’, ‘HH24:MI’), to_date(‘06:00’, ‘HH24:MI’))