Schedulings / Edge Colorings Flashcards
Defn/ An n-edge coloring
assigns colors 1,..n to each edge in G (not necessarily a ‘proper’ covering)
Defn/ A proper n-edge coloring is
is an edge coloring s.t. adjacent edges have different colors.
Prop: If K is the minimum size of a proper k-edge coloring of G, then Chi(G) = K, where K is the edge chromatic number
Prop: Chi(G) >= Del(G)
Lemma: If G conn., not an odd cycle, it has a 2-edge coloring, in which both colors are represented at vertices of degree >=2
Eulerian cycle etc. and other BS. Either G eulerian or can be made eulerian
Defn/ FOr a k-edge coloring C of graph G, C(v) =
C(v) = # of diff. colored edges incident to v.
Defn/ A (not necess. proper) coloring C’ is optimal if
if [allVert]SumC(v) is as large as possible
Lemma/ If C is an optimal k-edge coloring and u is a vertex in which color i not represented, and color j is represented twice, G contains an odd cycle
Pf/ Let H be subgraph induced by i and j edges.
If H not an odd cycle, H has 2 coloring with both colors represented at each vert.
This coloring produces a new edge coloring that is better, thus contradict C being optimal.
Alg/ Bipartite edge colorings algorithm:
- Begin with any k coloring.
- If not proper, then there exists vertex u, where color i is rep. twice, color j not at all.
- Use lemma to recolor component of induced i,j subgraph. As in, add an imaginary vertex and then,
- Connect vertices with odd degree to it to make an odd cycle, then recolor based on that.
Thm/ (Vizing) (minimum proper edge coloring) Chi’ = Del, or Chi’ = Del + 1.
Wack ass proof