Scheduler Flash Cards
When does a duty day end per the contract when going into an overnight?
Check to Block
When does a duty day end per the contract when returning to domicile?
Check to Debrief
What is an A label
Accepted from flight attendant
What is a U label
Scheduling offered VJA
What is a J label
Junior available
What is a D label
Picked up with open time.
What is an FTC non fly
What is the compensation for a duty day over 12 hours ?
Double pay for all legs exceeding 12 hours.
What is the compensation for a duty day over 16 hours?
Triple pay for all legs exceeding 12 hours.
What is a contractual duty day out of planning and how is it calculated?
Outstation: 10.5 check to block
Domicile: 10.5 check to debrief
How long of a duty day can scheduling give a flight attendant and how is it calculated?
Outstation: 12.5 check to block
Domicile: 12.5 check to debrief
How long does FAA say a flight attendant can take their duty day up to and how is it calculated?
Outstation: 14hrs check to debrief
Domicile: 14hrs check to debrief
What is K label? Please specify reserve or line holder.
Original Reserve
What is T label? Please specify reserve or line holder.
Traded with another flight attendant. - Reserve
What is R label? Please specify reserve or line holder.
- Reserve
What are the contact times for an AM reserve?
0300 local - 1100 local
What are the contact times for a PM reserve?
1000 local - 1800 local
What are the contact times for a ready reserve?
Two hours prior to the first check-in at their domicile, and then on-call twenty-four hours a day after that until last round trip push on the last day.
What is a RNUH? What is the compensation associated with an RNUH?
Reserved not used.
- 3TFP
Which reserves can receive an RNUH?
AM and PM reserves.
How much is a flight attendant compensated if their duty day exceeds 12hrs?
Double pay for legs exceeding 12hrs.
How much is a flight attendant compensated if their duty day exceeds 16hrs?
Triple pay for legs exceeding 12hrs.
All reserves must be within a __ hour driving distance of their base when they become available for contact.
How many hours of uninterrupted rest are reserves required to have in their overnight and how is it calculated?
7 hours of uninterrupted rest block to block.
If a reserve does not receive uninterrupted rest, what will be their compensation?
1.5x for flying the next day.
What label shows that a flight attendant picked up a trip out of open time with scheduling offered VJA?
If an AM or PM reserve is contacted outside of their contact hours what will be their compensation?
Double time for the entire assignment.
What is the compensation for a ready reserve if contacted outside of their contact hours?
No compensation.
What time must an AM reserve block in by on the last day of their assignment?
1730 local.
In reference to the previous question, what is the compensation for an AM reserve if they do not block in by that time?
Triple pay for legs that go over 1730 local.
Which reserve can be used for airport standby?
Ready reserve.
How much rest does the contract/planning give a flight attendant within a 7 day period and how is it calculated?
48hrs debrief to check
What does the FAA say is the minimum amount of rest a flight attendant can receive at their overnight and how is it calculated?
10hrs debrief to check
How much rest can a flight attendant take themselves down to in a 7 day period?
24hrs debrief to check
How much rest will planning schedule a flight attendant down to receive once they’re back in domicile and how is it calculated?
11.5hrs debrief to check
Flight attendants can only be scheduled a maximum of __ legs in 24hrs and __ legs in 7 days?
7 & 28
How many hours of duty would a flight attendant need to work in order to qualify for illegal duty day options?
How many times can a reserve be required to sit airport standby in a bid month?
Five times in a bid month
Unable to contact 2.5
No show 2.5
Failure to report 1pt
Might be late .5
Sick less than two hours to check in 2.5
Sick leave with pay .5 pts/day
Sick leave at time of assignment additional .5 additional
Sick leave no pay .5 pts/day
Bonus might be late 0pts
If a flight attendant MBL’s and their first leg is an international flight, when are they contractually required to be at the gate?
45 minutes to push.
If a flight attendant calls out fatigue, what non-fly would be used to replace their flying?
How much rest is required of a flight attendant once they are pulled fatigue?
11 hours uninterrupted.
When does the overlap period take place?
Last day of the current bid month, first three days of the new bid month.
When can a UTC be reduced to an RTF for a reserve?
If the reserve contacts us back and able to make the flight.
FAR rest requirement
10hrs debrief to check
FAR break in 7 days
24hrs debrief to check
Assign reserve
Check in
Acknowledge notification
Input error
When does a flight attendant have to exercise their options?
One hour after debrief
If a flight attendant chooses to exercise their excessive duty day options, is this a contractual pull or an FAR pull? What non-fly will you use to pull the flight attendant from their assignment?
What can a flight attendant use if they are running late for an assignment and won’t make it in time for their check in? How many points do they receive?
MBL -0.5
Up until what point will scheduling check in a flight attendant who is using an MBL for a domestic flight?
Up to push.
If a flight attendant fails to check in by their scheduled check in time and never contact scheduling prior, what will they receive and how many points are associated with it?
No show - 2.5 points
Reserve flight attendants have __ minutes after being contacted by scheduling to notify an assignment or they will be pulled ___ which is worth ___ points.
20 minutes from initial call
2.5 pints
How much notice does a flight attendant have to give scheduling to be pulled SLP or SLN? How many points are associated with an SLP/SLN?
Two hours prior to check in.
0.5 per day
If a flight attendant gives less than that notice, what non-fly will scheduling use to pull them sick and how many points are associated?
SL1 - 2.5 points
What is an SLA and how many points are associated ? Why would a flight attendant receive an SLA?
Reserve sick at time of assignment.
If they have been contacted regarding an assignment, and then state or call out sick.
If a flight attendant missed their original check in time but is able to make it by push (for a domestic flight), scheduling will reduce their occurrence to a ___ which is worth _____ point
1 point
How often does a flight attendant receive a bonus MBL?
Once annually
What are the three dead head codes and what does each one mean?
DH: Deadhead planning
DM: Deadhead scheduling
NM: Unpaid deadhead
If the flight attendants flight back to domicile runs 2 hours late and scheduling needs to make an adjustment to a flight attendants board to make them legal for 24/7, what non-fly would we use to make the adjustment?
What is the non-fly for recurrent training?
When can a flight attendant take their domicile break between two trips down to 10 hours?
Once they debrief from their current trip.
List two ways that a flight attendant can check in for their trip?
Call scheduling
What information does scheduling need to confirm before pulling a flight attendant sick?
Last four of their social or their date of birth.
What is a non-fly for paid company convenience?
What is a non-fly for unpaid company convenience?
How many points are CC and CCN worth?
If scheduling fails to give a reserve flight attendant enough of a call out before their trip, how much will they be compensated?
Double time compensation for the entire assignment.
What is the minimum and maximum guarantee a reserve will be given in a bid month?
72 TFP minimum
102 TFP maximum
All reserves must call scheduling to be released after completing a trip or an airport standby assignment. What reason code will you use when releasing a reserve?
If a ready reserve is given airport standby followed by a trip, how long of a duty day can scheduling give them?
12.5 check to block
12.5 check to debrief
I’m a bid month, flight attendants only be scheduled a maximum of __legs or ___ TFP
90 legs
130 TFP
What is the difference between a satellite base and regular bases?
Satellite bases don’t have leadership, whereas regular bases do.
What does S.I.P stand for and what is the definition of S.I.P?
Scheduled interruption point.
When the pairing goes through their base.
Reserves cannot _________ in their domicile.
Within a reserve block, they will always get ___ hour domicile break. Calculated _______ to _____
Debrief to check
Within a reserve block, the reserves on AS1 will get a __ hour domicile break. Calculated from ________ to _____
12 hour domicile break.
End of AS1 to check
In between two separate blocks, a reserve will get an __ hour domicile break. Calculated ______ to _____
11 hour
Debrief to check.
Between two separate blocks, the reserves on AS1 will get an __ hour domicile. Calculated from ________ to _____
11 hour
End of AS1 to check.
Lack of reserves options
Collaborate with other bases.
Scheduling can offer VJA.
Junior available prices can be implemented.
Sick leave emergency can be declared.
A _______________ requires flight attendants to go to the company doctor when calling in sick.
Sick-leave emergency
Reserve Report
A reserve report is a report that shows all of the reserves available to the company on that specific day.
The reserve report is separated by.
Reserve type and the number of days each reserve is good for.
The reserve report is sorted by
The reserve report is archived every _ hours
If scheduling uses a reserve out of order the reserve used gets compensated ___
1.5x for the whole trip
What is the formula for calculating RDV?
Monthly guarantee, minus trips flown towards guarantee. Minus days left in the month, times 6.
RDV stands for
Relative daily value
The purpose of RDV is to
Evenly distribute the flying amongst all the reserves, as best as possible.
The deadline for reserves to ____________ reserve blocks is _______
1500 central the day prior to the start of the block.
Flight attendants can trade reserve blocks to be liable for more than a traditional ____
Three-day block.
Flight attendants can use ______ to appear good for four days.
Overnight preference
The flight attendant can call and advise scheduling that they are ______
Willing to combine or WTC.
Reserve days acquired in the _____ will also be automatically combinable for up to _____
Same manner.
Four days.
Flight attendants cannot trade partial blocks.
Preferences must be selected by
1659 central the day prior
Three types of preferences
Airport standby
At ____ the first official reserve report for the next day is generated.
1700 central the day prior
In order for a flight attendant to qualify for _______ on the reserve report the flight attendant needs to have ____ or
AS1 preference.
0 or greater RDV
A.M reserves can begin self-assignment the day before at
1800 local the day prior for trips that check in at/after 1000 local.
P.M reserves can begin self-assignment the day before at
2200 local the day prior for trips that check in at/after 1000 local.
Ready reserve can begin self-assignment the day before at
1800 local the day prior for trips that check in at/before 0459 local.
Self assignment restrictions
They have to self assign for what they are good for.
They have to self assign trips that are specific to their base.
If a reserve self assigns ___ it doesn’t count towards their ______
Monthly guarantee of 5.
If a reserve self assigns a trip and then _____ even during their contact time, they will not get an ___
Calls out sick.
A.M reserves can self-assign a pairing that debriefs
After 1800 local.
The only time a _____ pairing can be given an SLA, is if scheduling is changing the assignment and the reserve is calling in sick at____
Time of notification.
Reserve trading ends.
1500 central the day prior
Deadline for preferences
1659 central the day prior
When is the official reserve report ran?
1700 central the day prior
AM/RR reserves can self-assign
1800 local
Scheduling can start assigning, AM/RR
1900 local the day prior
PM reserves can self-assign
2200 local the day prior for trips that check in at/after 1000 local
Scheduling can start assigning PMR
2300 local day prior
How would scheduling know if a reserve self-assigned a pairing?
Slashes on the trip.
What does the overnight preference do?
Combines reserve blocks together for up to 4 days.
PM reserve color
AM reserve color
Ready reserve color
FAR duty day.
14hrs check to debrief
14hrs check to debrief
A flight attendant can call in sick __days prior to their trip or reserve block and up to ___ consecutive days.
2 days prior
5 consecutive days.
If a flight attendant picks up a trip from another flight attendant during overlap days, what label will they receive?
What option does scheduling have for a ready reserve, in order to avoid issuing them an RNUH?
Finding and placing them on an available flight or AS1
If a reserve No Shows for an airport standby assignment that was originally scheduled from 1100 - 1600, what time will they need to make it by in order to be reduced to an FTR?
Within 1 hour of the ordinal check in time.
If a reserve UTCs for an airport standby assignment that was originally scheduled from 1100 - 1600, what time will they need to make it by in order to be reduced to an FTR?
By the original check in time. Push
What is a contractual domicile break and how is it calculated?
11.5 hours
Scheduling needs to assign AM reserve to debrief by what time?
1800 local
How much is an AM reserve compensated when scheduling didn’t assign the AM reserve accordingly?
3x for the leg(s) past 1730 local.
If a flight attendant picks up a trip from another flight attendant during overlap days, what label will they receive?
V - auto VJA
What non-fly would we use to pull as flight attendant sick who is calling in sick for a trip that overlaps a vacation?
AM reserve can begin self assigning the night prior, beginning at 1800 local for trips that check in at/before 0959 local
When can scheduling begin assigning AM trips for the following day?
1900 local.
How is the domicile break calculated?
Debrief to check
How is the southwest day calculated?
0300 - 0259 central
Pink bar gets added at the end of their trip and stays on until the end of their reserve block. Added rest ti make sure they have enough.
What is an IL
Illegal contractual
What is an IF
Illegal Far
What is an IP?
Illegal with premium pay.
Pull on a VJA trip U or V label
What are the operational preferences a reserve can select?
What time must scheduling assign an AM reserve to block in by on the last day of their trip?
1730 local
Self assign has dashes
Scheduling won’t pull SLA because self assigning
What label will scheduling use when assigning a trip to an AM reserve?
Flight attendants can take themselves down to how many hours of rest from debrief to check?
Flight attendants are only covered under the commuter policy
If they are flying.
Flight attendants must commute
Into their base and not their sister cities.
Required items flight attendants are required to have are.
Wrist watch.
Flash light.
Passport or passport exemption card.
Any adjustment or pull are
Flight attendants are only compensated for what they fly when using the commuter policy.
What does a lineholder have to do to be covered by the commuter policy?
List and be present on one southwest flight or two consecutive off line carriers that arrive into base.
1 hour prior to check in.
Line holders
Must arrive one hour prior to their check in time.
Reserves must arrive
30 minutes prior to their check in time.
The commuter policy
Has to be picked up with open time.
There are no reserve blocks in open time.
Five (5) protections under the commuter policy.
Significant delays (30 minutes or more).
Weight restrictions.
Irregular operations.
Downsized aircraft.
Full flight, no available seats including jump seats.
Line holder commuter options.
Ways scheduling can use a line holder
Continue to get them to base.
Swap them for a later trip.
Work then out of their commuting city.
Sit them airport standby in outstation for up to four hours, must have plan after AS1.
Catch them up on their original trip at a mutually agreed upon point.
Pull their trip per the commuter policy, replace with (COM) non-fly and notify the flight attendant that they have 30 days to pickup comparable trip from open time.
Reserve commuter options.
Ways scheduling can use a reserve
Continue to get them to base.
Once at base with at least (6) hours left in contact time, they will go on-call. *** less then (6) hours they will be pulled (COM) and will go on-call next day.
Work them out of their commuting city.
Sit AS1in their commuting city for up to (5) hours, must have plan at the end of AS1. Only AM/PM reserves.
Can be notified in the initial phone call, even if it’s less than a 2hr call-out no additional compensation.
Tracking and computations
CC or not CC ( covered commuter) or not.
Status update. ( next flight trying to make, City code. )
City Bar
When using a city bar, we will compute it to start at the time of the call, and end at 11:59pm or 2359 central for that day.
Will remain in your notification window, so we can check where the flight attendant is and when they’ll arrive in base.
Helps routers know where we have commuters.
Check-in not base.
If it’s a non-southwest city, we will is the non-fly
When can line holders waive deadheads?
(6) hours prior to check in if their trip.
If they are in the city that their working leg departs out of at the time of call.
If they are not in their city , advised them of their new report time and to call to check in.
After completing their last working leg.
What non-fly is used whenever waiving a head head?
When can reserves waive deadheads.
After their last working leg on their last day of reserve.
30 minutes prior to departure/push of their deadhead flight.
When CANT reserves waive deadheads.
At the beginning of their flight.
Check-In not base.
If a commuter ends up working out of their commuting station (checkin-not base. CN) the CN code goes on the first leg of their commuting station. And the (RL) non-fly code goes on the last leg on their return to base:
What is the latest a line holder can waive their deadhead.
Up until their check in time.
What is the compensation (options) for a Lineholder flight attendant after being on an Unscheduled Overnight/Stranded?
Blocked in until debriefed
- 1.5x for all additional flying.
- RIG ( 1 TFP for every three hours away from base)
Or A day off at the beginning or end of a trip or reserve block without pay instead of RIG.
What is the compensation (options) for a Reserve flight attendant after being on an Unscheduled Overnight/stranded?
- 1.5x for all additional flying.
- 1 TFP for every three hours way from base.
- A day off at the beginning or end of a reserve block, without suffering a loss in guarantee.
What is the difference between Unscheduled RON vs. being stranded?
Unscheduled RON: scheduling intentionally sends a flight attendant out, knowing they cannot be returned to base.
Being Stranded: Occurs whenever a flight attendant gets stuck, due to circumstances out of scheduling control.
When do flight attendants have to exercise their options by?
Within 60 minutes of debrief.
In order for flight attendant to get a later deadhead home, what does the flight attendant need?
Illegal rest, less then 10hrs debrief to check.
If flight attendants do not have any days in this month to pull, what options do they have?
They can choose from the next months bid, as long as the lines have been loaded.
When Scheduling needs to reschedule a flight attendant, who do they pick first from their crew?
The most junior reserve.
If scheduling reschedules a Lineholder, what will they be compensated?
VJA for all additional flying.
What are some reasons that
Reschedules happen?
- Misconnects
- Cancellations
- Delays
- SLOL (sick leave online)
If Scheduling wanted to work a flight attendant back from being stranded, what stipulations need to be met?
- legal rest 10hrs debrief to check
- whatever their scheduled to work, is in the direction of their base.
If we work a flight attendant back from being on Unscheduled RON/Stranded, what is the compensation.
2.5x for the working legs.
If a reserve doesn’t choose a day off after being on unscheduled RON/Stranded, what is the compensation?
Their additional flying will be paid at double time.
What is the CDN nonfly?
(Compensatory Day No Pay)
The day off without pay.
Who can reserves swap positions with on their trip?
With other reserves if they’re the same designation.
Can Lineholders swap positions with reserves?
No, Lineholders can’t swap positions with reserves.
Rescheduling Order
Most Junior reserve
Most senior reserve
Most Junior Lineholder
Most senior Lineholder
If the reserve flight attendant chooses not to have a day pulled.
Their additional flying will be paid a double time 2.5 pay
If the reserve Lineholder chooses to have the day off you will pull the reserve day
CDN and rebuild the reserve day pulled to match the additional flying.
Add CD leg code in trip
Contractually, flight attendants must be placed on
The deadhead that arrives back earliest into base.
Scheduling can work a flight attendant back to base from being unscheduled overnight, provided the following stipulations are met.
Legal rest 10 or more hours, calculated debrief to check.
In the direction of their base.
Flight would otherwise cancel.
Supervisor approval.
Which base uses the letter A for their base identifier?
What label shows that a flight attendant was awarded a reserve block from planning?
k label
What is an X label?
When a flight attendant trades their trip with open time.
If a flight attendant no shows for their trip and calls scheduling back to recover, what deadhead code will scheduling use?
Planning will only schedule a flight attendant to work a maximum of how many hours when going to their overnight?
10.5 hours check to block.
How much rest will planning give a flight attendant on their overnights during a trip?
11 hours debrief to check
How long of a duty day can scheduling reschedule a flight attendant to work when scheduling them to work into an outstation?
12.5 hours check to block.
Reserves cannot overnight in their domicile?
What is the B label ?
When a reserve picks up a reserve block from another flight attendant.
What is an R label?
When a reserve self assigns a trip.
When scheduling assigns a trip to a reserve.
What does a reserve have to do to be covered by the commuter policy.
List and be present on one southwest flight or two consecutive off line carriers that arrive into base.
30 minutes prior to contact time.
Scheduling will put the flight attendant on a deadhead that arrives earliest into base
Scheduling can work the flight attendant back in the direction of their base.
When does a ready reserve contact hours begin on the first day of their block?
Two hours prior to the first check in at that specific domicile
When can AM and PM reserves sit airport standby?
In the outstation when commuting.
IF non-fly
Illegal due to FARS
Paid pull
IFN non-fly
Illegal due to FARS
no pay
Illegal due to FARS
No pay
If scheduling works a flight attendant back with FAR rest, how much are they compensated?
2.5x for working back on an unscheduled overnight.
We didn’t reschedule them so it’s just an SLP (.5 a day) However, if we rescheduled them after they self assign then that’s an SLA. (.5 additional)
Non flies IFN
Illegal per FAR - unpaid
Non flies IL
Illegal per the contract paid.
Non flies IF
Illegal per FAR paid.
When does the RIG begin when a flight attendant is on an unscheduled overnight or stranded?
It begins at block in of the unscheduled overnight.
What is the rule scheduling has to follow when assigning a trip to an AM reserve? What happens if scheduling doesn’t follow this rule?
Needs to be blocked in by 1730 local on the last day. Otherwise 3x for the leg(s) past 1730 block in.
What is the latest a flight attend can trade their trip with open time if it check in on the same day?
Up until three hours prior to the earliest check in.
What are the reserve labels and what does each of them mean?
B - picked up from a flight attendant.
T - Traded with another flight attendant.
K - original reserve.
R - Assign Reserve.
Three reasons we would use a SLN
New hire
Overlaps vacation
If they request it
Line holders who are rescheduled will be compensated VJA for all additional flying, reserves get paid for what they fly
Reserve can only trade positions if they’re the same designation