Schedule Flashcards
What is schedule?
1.Serial Schedule
2.Non-Serial Schedule
3.Eqivalent Schedule
process of grouping transaction into one and then executing then in a order.
A schedule is the chronological (sequential) order in which instructions are executed in a
Why is schedule required?
A schedule is required in a database because some transaction occur in parallel, they may affect the result of transaction.
Serial Schedule.
A schedule in which ongoing transaction is first completed and then other transaction is started.
Non-Serial Schedule
2nd Transaction starts before 1st one ends
Equivalent Schedule.
If two schedules produce the same result after execution.
Problems due to concurrent execution.
1.Dirty Read
2.Unrepeatable Read problem
3.phantom read problem
4.Lost update problem
Dirty Read Problem.
If a transaction starts and reads A and does A=A-50 then write A. and then another transaction starts with taking this A value but due to some reason the first transaction fails. So the value of A picked in 2nd Transaction will be dirty read.
Unrepeatable read problem
reading the same variable (A)
more than one time and getting
different values due to parallel going to transaction.
Phantom Read problem
Reading a variable which is deleted in parent transaction.