Scene 4 Flashcards
You got better things to do?
Let’s just go ahead. Now what happens when he leaves Texas?
All right, now read it back to me.
I’m not reading it back to you Lee. You can read it when we’re finished. I can’t spend all night on this.
Is he ready to leave Texas yet? I didn’t know we were that far along. He’s not ready to leave Texas.
He’s right at the border.
No, see this is one a’ the crucial parts. Right here. We can’t rush through this. He’s not right at the border. He’s a good fifty miles from the border. A lot can happen in fifty miles.
It’s only an outline. We’re not writing an entire script now.
Well ya’ can’t leave things out even if it is an outline. It’s one a’ the most important parts. Ya’ can’t go leavin’ it out.
Okay, okay. Let’s just-get it done.
All right. Now. He’s in the truck and he’s got his horse trailer and his horse.
We’ve already established that.
And he sees this other guy comin’ up behind him in another truck. And that truck is pullin’ a gooseneck.
What’s a gooseneck?
Cattle trailer. You know the kind with a gooseneck, goes right down in the bed a’ the pick up.
Oh. All right
It’s important.
Okay. I got it.
All these details are important.
I’ve got it.
And this other guy’s got his horse all saddled up in the back a’ the gooseneck.
So both these guys have got their horses right along with ‘em, see.
I understand.
Then this first guy suddenly realizes two things.
The guy in front?
Right. The guy in front realizes two things almost at the same time. Simultaneous.
What were the two things?
Number one, he realizes that the guy behind him is the husband of the woman he’s been- (gesture)
Oh. Yeah.
And number two, he realizes he’s in the middle of tornado country.
What’s “Tornado Country”?
Sweetwater. Around in that area. Nothin’. Nowhere. And number three-
I thought there was only two.
There’s three. There’s a third unforeseen realization.
And what’s that?
That he’s runnin’ outta’ gas.
…Come on Lee.
Whadya’ mean “come on”? That’s what it is. Wrote it down! He’s runnin’ outa’ gas.
It’s too-
What? It’s too what? It’s too real! That’s what us’ mean isn’t it? It’s too much like real life!
It’s not like real life! It’s not enough like real life. Things don’t happen like that.
What! Men don’t fuck other men’s women?
Yes. But they don’t end up chasing each other across the Panhandle. Through “Tornado Country.”
They do in this movie!
And they don’t have horses conveniently along with them when they run out of gas! And they don’t run out of gas either!