Scene 4 Flashcards
“I’ll think of something.”
“No you won’t.
In my experience, boys are sadly slow thinkers.”
“What are you?”
“I’m a girl.”
“Aarrgh, rowrrr, gonna getcha!”
“Who’s the leader here?”
“Who wants to know?”
“Molly Aster. Doctor Pretorius back home says I have an extraordinarily high level of brain power.”
“If you’re so smart, how come you’re stuck on this dirt-bucket?”
“I’m not stuck.
I’m going to meet my father in Rundoon. He has important things to do.”
“He’s not the leader.”
“How old are you?”
“How old are you?”
“I’m thirteen.”
“I’m thirteen.”
“Wait—I just remembered today’s my birthday.
I’m fifteen.”
“If you were thirteen and today’s your birthday, you’d be fourteen.”
“I on,y celebrate odd-numbered birthdays.”
“The leader has to be a boy.”
“Hey—up our end of the ship we get served proper food. I can lead you there—
—-which would make me the leader.”
“Proper food? Really?”
“Just tell me your names.”
“Why should we?”
“Only that… if you have names, they serve you meat.”
“I’m Prentiss. I’m in charge here.”
“Ever notice, Ted— the more you claim leadership, the more it eludes you?
“Oh, snap!”
“And what are you, boy?”