Scene 4 Flashcards
First Line of Scene 4
Blow, don´t suck
All right, let’s see what you’re wearing for the wedding….you’re joking
What? Oh, as if!
Well, you could have been making some sort of statement on the tyranny of wedlock
You know more about that than me
Oh darling, you’ll meet your Mr. Right
I have. I did..and all they wanted was to settle down and have babies. No thanks
No..children can become such subersive little buggers. I mean, who’d have thought that Donna, the icon of female independence, wuld have a daughter commiting matrimony at twenty
White weddings are trendy
What’s wrong with these kids? Do you remember those t-shirts we used to wear. “Marriage is an institution..”
“.For people who belong in an insutition”
Girls today seem to think that a woman’s greatest achievment is getting a man.
You’ve had three husbands
I rest my case
Ooh, look
Oh my Lord. Oh.. we were so young
I don’t know what the gals at the whole woman press would say about my outfit
Hey, we shhould do a number tonight for sophies party
I must find her. Now
It’s her dad
Whose dad?
Sam, the archietect who went home to get married
WEll, I’m not really sure if it was him. Y’see, there were a couple of others..
Donna Sheridan! You dark horse!
‘Cos I didn’t think I’d ever have to…the day before their daughter’s wedding!