Scene 4 Flashcards
(2nd Guard) I must say, I can hardly wait until the judgement is carried out at noon.
If you two bumbleheads are finished, there is much to do in preparation for the prisoner’s transfer to the arena.
(1st and 2nd Guards) Yes, Malevario.
Good. They’re gone.
(Malevario) Good. They’re gone.
No growling tiger in this door.
(Malevario) No growling tiger in this door.
And it does not appear as if there is an occupant behind this door either.
(Malevario) And it does not appear as if there is an occupant behind this door either.
Good. I can complete the final touches to what is sure to be a delightful afternoon⎯
(Malevario) Good. I can complete the final touches to what is sure to be a delightful afternoon⎯
well, at least it will be for me and the King.
(Desiree) I have been looking everywhere for you.
What can I do for you, Your Highness?
(Desiree) I have an enormous favor to ask you⎯one that might put you at odds with my father.
Is that so?
(Malevario) Is that so? (3)
Tell me what favor has you so troubled.
(Desiree) As you know, Lucas is to be brought to the arena today to face his judgement.
I know. The whole kingdom is talking about it.
(Desiree) Which one contains the lady and which one contains the tiger?
My goodness, that is quite the favor you ask of me.
(Desiree) And I would never ask such a favor if there wasn’t so much at stake.
I know, my dear.
(Malevario) I know, my dear.
And I would help you if I could, but I’m afraid I cannot.
(Desiree) What do you mean? (1)
As you can see, neither door has an occupant as of yet.
(Desiree) What am I going to do now?
Might I ask, Princess Desiree, what you hope to accomplish by knowing the contents of each door?
(Desiree) What do you mean? (2)
I mean⎯do you wish to warn Lucas where the lady lies, so that he might escape death?
(Malevario) I mean⎯do you wish to warn Lucas where the lady lies, so that he might escape death?
Or do you wish to know where the tiger resides so that you can ensure that your true love does not marry another?
(Desiree) What is she doing here?
Arabella, how good of you to come.
(Desiree) Malevario, what is the meaning of this?
Why, Princess Desiree, surely you know the rules of judgement day?
(Malevario) Why, Princess Desiree, surely you know the rules of judgement day?
The King seeks out the fiercest and most brutal tiger he can find and places it behind one door.
(Malevario) The King seeks out the fiercest and most brutal tiger he can find and places it behind one door.
And for the other door, the King seeks out the most beautiful and desirable maiden in all of the land.
(Malevario) And for the other door, the King seeks out the most beautiful and desirable maiden in all of the land.
Arabella has been declared to be that maiden.
(Desiree) I think I am going to faint.
I know how devastating this must be for you.
(Malevario) I know how devastating this must be for you.
I, alone, know how much you despise the friendship that exists between Lucas and Arabella.
(Malevario) I, alone, know how much you despise the friendship that exists between Lucas and Arabella.
And to think that later today, they could be married!
(Desiree) In the light of the news, I must know behind which door Arabella is going to be placed.
I understand.
(Malevario) I understand.
I’ll tell you what⎯I will convince the guards to let me place Arabella behind a door,
(Malevario) I’ll tell you what⎯I will convince the guards to let me place Arabella behind a door,
thus ensuring that I know where she and the tiger each lie.
(Malevario) thus ensuring that I know where she and the tiger each lie.
I will then pass along that knowledge to you.
(Desiree) I knew I could count on you.
I am always at your service, Your Highness.
(Malevario) I am always at your service, Your Highness.
Come, Arabella. We have some final preparations to attend to.
(Desiree) Even if the pain and suffering is mine?
The guards are ready to bring the accused in, Your Majesty.
(Desiree) Did you get the information I requested?
I did, Your Highness.
(Malevario) I did, Your Highness.
And did you decide which door you will send young Lucas to⎯the lady or the tiger?
(Desiree) I have.
Very well.
(King) But I can’t help anticipate which door he will pick.
Neither can I.