Scene 12-18 (P. 66-81) Flashcards
Conor. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Why not?
You just don’t.
It’s not hard. They only met months ago…
I’m just saying!
[To Brie]
So you were right.
It’s what happens.
They’re our parents. They’re supposed to look after us. So we can do stuff.
They’re just human beings. I told you that.
I was sort of hoping they’d come to this gig I have coming up.
They’re not going to come to your stupid gig.
Why is it stupid now?
It’s not stupid. It’s that it’s annoying.
What is wrong with you?
I don’t what. I’m having withdrawal.
From what?
From everything! From the drinks,frrom smoking. I’ve cut it off.
So I can do something with my life!
Like what?
What do you want?
We want to talk.
Like he’ll we do. Both of you are frickin gay.
You know that’s not really the insult you think it is. Being gay is just…
Could I drive the van?
We don’t have a…
We got him.
[Raphina walks by]
Hey. Wait.
Is it you?
I’m not Raphina. I’m her younger sister.
No you’re not. What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be packing?
She’ll be in New York tomorrow.
Raphina! What’s going on?
It was all a lie.
The tickets aren’t real. None of it is.
I thought he had connections?
Just freaking lies.
Where is he now?
God, I’m like my mom.
So… what are you going to so now?
I was going to print some CVs. […] So I don’t know where to start.
CVs for what?
Would you still like me if I was in a drive-thru saying “Do you want fries with that?”
I’d like you no matter what, as long as you were happy.
There’s something wrong with me.
There’s nothing wrong with you. But you have to follow one dream at the time. I was actually happy when I thought you were on a plane to New York. Even though I was jealous. And I missed you.
You’ve got that gig tonight, right?
Yeah, I guess I should go. To rehearse and stuff.
It’s at the school?
Yeah. Will you come?
Where are you going?
School gig.
What time is it at?
We’re on at six. Are you coming, Mom?
I’ll see if I can make it.
Cool. Ma?
Where is it at?
At school. It’s a school gig.
[To Brie]
I’m off to school. I’ve got that gig tonight.
What time again?
It starts at six.
Six. Cool.
You know, without you this wouldn’t have happened. I mean, the band and stuff. I’m glad you were there. So thanks. Thanks for… cutting through the vines.
You know I was in a band once?
Freaking musical genius. Could play almost any instrument.
What happened?
You should be glad they don’t give as much of a dn about you.
Maybe that’s what you’ll do.
When you get off your ass. Reassemble a band? Write some good lyrics. We’ve got to break the cycle, right?
Let me see!
[To Ailis]
You alright?
I got my science grade back this morning.
Oh yeah? How’d it go?
Otherwise, I won’t get into med school or vet school or whatever.
I have to leave the band.
But we can’t break up. Maybe we should just practice once a week instead.
Nah. If we do it. We should do it properly.
You’re too good to not do this. This was your dream, right? Be in a band? Writing music?
I can’t afford to have that dream right now.
So this is our first and last gig.
Let’s make it the best these people will ever see.
Put your hands up for Sing Street!
Hello Synge Street! We are… Uh, Sing Street. With an I. Sorry.
I’ll come over there and do it for you!
Uh, thanks Barry. I’m Cosmo. Our first song is called “Girls”. Hope you’ll like it.
Thank you!
You know, I just moved to this school earlier this year and, I got a real special welcome. I’m sure some of you have had the same. So this one goes out to Brother Baxter here.
Don’t push it, son.
It’s a tribute song, sir.
If you want to keep this band going next year you better be careful.
Oh really? Okay
You guys ready? Apparently this is our last official gig.
Sure, man.
And you better come back to this after school. You’re a freaking genius, Ailis!
This is called Brown Shoes! And it’s for every principal, teacher, or bully you ever knew.
You guys were amazing!
Really? Well, damn. Because I have to break the band up.
What? Why?
Long story. But this was probably our last gig. And besides, my parents are selling the house. I’ll probably be moving away from here.
We should go.
To New York. By car.
But look at that baby face!
We’ll get Brie to drive us. Hitchhike from there. Summer started today. School basically starts in September. I’ve got nowhere better to be for two months. You don’t either. Let’s go to New York.
That’s crazy.
So what?
There’s nothing going on here anymore.
You sure about this?
Yeah, of course. It’ll just be the two of us. We’re all set. We just need a driver.
Do you have any friends for when you get there?
Remember Kevin Beaulieu? I found him online. He works in New York now. He’s offered Raphina a gig in a real music video.
What about money?
I emptied your college account.
And you give be the date you plan on coming back.
Parents will give you hell for taking us across the border.
Fly away.
Like a jet engine.
Could be a good song, seriously.
Are you writing again?