Scenario B Flashcards


Siva has worked as a full-time employee for 5 years at Braxton Publishing in downtown Toronto, which employs about 75 people. His employment contract matches the notice requirements outlined in the Employment Standards Act, 2000. Over the weekend, Siva’s step-daughter becomes ill, and when he takes her to the doctor, she is diagnosed with severe bronchitis. The doctor recommends Siva keep his step-daughter home for at least a few days. As Siva’s wife is out of town, there is no one else but him to take care of his step-daughter. Siva decides to take a family responsibility leave and phones his manager to leave a message stating he will not be at work for the next few days. Siva is off work for 2.5 days and returns to work the afternoon of the third day when his step-daughter is better. When the next payday comes, Siva is surprised to find that his paycheque is less than expected. When he asks his direct manager about the difference in pay, his manager tells him he should be more concerned about whether he will be disciplined for taking leave without expressed written approval.

Siva believes he had the right to take family responsibility leave with pay, so he raises the issue with Travis, Braxton’s HR generalist. Siva asks Travis what his entitlement to paid family responsibility leave is after 5 years of employment with the company.

What should Travis advise him?

a) Siva is entitled to 0 paid days.
b) Siva is entitled to 2 paid days.
c) Siva is entitled to 3 paid days.


The answer is a. Siva is entitled to 0 paid days. Functional Area: C1


A is correct. The family responsibility leave is an unpaid leave from work of up to 3 days per calendar year for employees who have worked a minimum of two consecutive weeks with their employer, regardless of their employment status. As a result, Siva will not be paid for any of the days taken as leave under family responsibility leave.

B is incorrect. Siva is not entitled to 2 paid days of family responsibility leave. Under the family responsibility leave, Siva is entitled to up to 3 unpaid days from work.

C is incorrect. Siva is not entitled to 3 paid days of family responsibility leave; however, he is entitled to up to 3 unpaid days under the family responsibility leave.

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Siva has worked as a full-time employee for 5 years at Braxton Publishing in downtown Toronto, which employs about 75 people. His employment contract matches the notice requirements outlined in the Employment Standards Act, 2000. Over the weekend, Siva’s step-daughter becomes ill, and when he takes her to the doctor, she is diagnosed with severe bronchitis. The doctor recommends Siva keep his step-daughter home for at least a few days. As Siva’s wife is out of town, there is no one else but him to take care of his step-daughter. Siva decides to take a family responsibility leave and phones his manager to leave a message stating he will not be at work for the next few days. Siva is off work for 2.5 days and returns to work the afternoon of the third day when his step-daughter is better. When the next payday comes, Siva is surprised to find that his paycheque is less than expected. When he asks his direct manager about the difference in pay, his manager tells him he should be more concerned about whether he will be disciplined for taking leave without expressed written approval. Siva believes he had the right to take family responsibility leave with pay, so he raises the issue with Travis, Braxton’s HR generalist. Travis assesses whether Siva properly notified Braxton Publishing of his family responsibility leave.

What should Travis’s determination be in this situation?

a) Siva did not properly notify the employer, as he did not provide notice in writing.
b) Siva did not properly notify the employer, as he did not provide advance notice or receive approval prior to his leave. c

) Siva properly notified the employer, as he provided notice to his manager as soon as he could and told him of his intention to take leave.


The answer is c. Siva properly notified the employer, as he provided notice to his manager as soon as he could and told him of his intention to take leave.

Functional Area: C1


A is incorrect. Family responsibility leave notice does not have to be in writing.

B is incorrect. Family responsibility leave notice does not need to be given in advance; it can be given to the employer as soon as possible after starting it.

C is correct. Siva notified his employer as soon as he could by phone, which was after his step-daughter was diagnosed with bronchitis.

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Siva has worked as a full-time employee for 5 years at Braxton Publishing in downtown Toronto, which employs about 75 people. His employment contract matches the notice requirements outlined in the Employment Standards Act, 2000. Over the weekend, Siva’s step-daughter becomes ill, and when he takes her to the doctor, she is diagnosed with severe bronchitis. The doctor recommends Siva keep his step-daughter home for at least a few days. As Siva’s wife is out of town, there is no one else but him to take care of his step-daughter. Siva decides to take a family responsibility leave and phones his manager to leave a message stating he will not be at work for the next few days. Siva is off work for 2.5 days and returns to work the afternoon of the third day when his step-daughter is better. When the next payday comes, Siva is surprised to find that his paycheque is less than expected. When he asks his direct manager about the difference in pay, his manager tells him he should be more concerned about whether he will be disciplined for taking leave without expressed written approval. Siva believes he had the right to take family responsibility leave with pay, so he raises the issue with Travis, Braxton’s HR generalist. Siva’s manager wants proof that his step-daughter was ill and that the leave was required.

What information is Braxton Publishing entitled to request from Siva?

a) The name and relationship of the family member to Siva, and a statement that the leave was due to the family member’s illness.
b) Details pertaining to the family member’s medical condition.
c) A medical note from the family member’s doctor confirming the illness.


The answer is a. The name and relationship of the family member to Siva, and a statement that the leave was due to the family member’s illness.

Functional Area: C1


A is correct. Siva’s employer is only allowed to request the name and relation of the family member to Siva, and a statement that the leave was due to the family member’s illness.

B is incorrect. Siva’s employer is prohibited from requesting details pertaining to his family member’s medical condition.

C is incorrect. Siva’s employer cannot request a medical note from the doctor who treated Siva’s family member.

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