SCCO EMS EXAM Flashcards
Chest compressions shall be performed at a rate of ____ beats per minute
The primary for conducting a hospital report (ringdown) for trauma alerts, STEMI Alerts and Stroke Alerts is via
EMS Command 92
Life support can be withheld or discontinued by emergency medical service personnel for a pulseless and/or apneic patient with a valid DNR directive
If a person at a traffic accident scene state that they are a physician and wish to maintain care or the patient, the prehospital personnel shall request proper identification to confirm they are a DO/MD
If a competent patient wishes to leave the ambulance during transport, they may only do so after arrival to the closest ED
A pediatric trauma alert may be transported to following centers:
Valley medical center
Stanford university medical center
EXCEPT/NOT AT: Regional medical center
All the following hospital may receive patients that meet “Stroke Alert” Criteria
El Camino Hospital of Los Gatos
Kaiser Santa Clara
O’Connor Hospital
EXCEPT/NOT AT: Palo Alto Veterans Association Hospital
A 26 year old male with an arrow that has fully penetrated his left forearm, distal to the elbow meets trauma alert criteria
Major auto deformity greater than 12 inches on occupant site or greater than 18 inches any other site is considered trauma alert criteria
ALS level patients may be transferred to BLS personnel during declared mass casualty incidents and disaster situations
The EMS Duty Chief may serve in the following capacities
Supervision, regulation, and management of contracted system providers
Allocation of county-wide medical resources to include non-contracted ambulance providers, state medical mutual aid requests and management, non-traditional use of alternate care facilities
Authorizing emergency policy changes necessary to assist in the mitigation of the incident
EXCEPT: The EMS Duty Chief has authority over local jurisdiction on incidents
Dispatches by county communications shall be only valid authorization for air resource operation at the scene of an emergency in santa clara county
A system ID badge expires on the same date as one’s professional medical credential
Physician scene request and response, which statement is true?
A physician may be requested to the scene when a surgical extrication is required due to the inability to extricate a patient from their environment
If a hypoglycemic patient that can self administer is allowed to take a second tube of oral glucose after ___ minutes if there is no change in the patient’s condition
15 minutes
What are indications for the use of a mechanical tourniquet in Santa Clara County?
An uncontrolled extremity hemorrhage in an adult/pediatric patient
The use of clear text/ plain english has replaced the use of radio codes
If an emergency button is accidentally activated, the unit must acknowledge the dispatcher with:
“No further assistance is needed”
Providers are required to notify the EMS duty chief of a level A variance:
When responders transport a patient from the scene of a hazardous materials incident, which of the following information is to be provided to the routine patient notification report?
Chemical name, decontamination methods used on-scene, DOT reference number, and any appropriate treatment information
Which of the following is authorized to refuse medical care?
Minors legally authorized to consent
Life support can be withheld or discontinued by EMS of a pulseless and apneic patient who has exercised his/her right to die under End-of-Life Option Act
A physician on the scene of a 911 call can do all the following
Relinquish patient care to prehospital personnel
Assist in patient care and the prehospital patient care would remain under the direction of the EMS Medical Director
Manage patient care and accompany the patient in the ambulance
EXCEPT: provide medical direction to prehospital personnel
All the following are criteria for “In-Extremis” patients
Breech presentation or protruding limbs during a delivery
Uncontrollable hemorrhage despite intervention from providers
Uncontrollable airway where the provider is unable to ventilate the patient adequately despite intervention
EXCEPT: altered level of consciousness following a traumatic injury
Patients that are in cardiac arrest that have a BLS airway meet “In-Extremis” criteria
If a patient that has a valid DNR, dies in their home during medical treatment, who has the responsibility for disposition of the deceased?
The fire department or police department (if present)
What is the impact speed of a motor vehicle crash necessary for mechanism of injury criteria for a trauma alert
Impact speed of 40 mph or greater
Patients with partial thickness burns greater than 5% of the total body surface area are considered to have met major burn criteria
What is required of a BLS crew to transport a patient with red lights and sirens?
Arrival on scene to arrival at hospital is less than 10 minutes, emergent patient, immediately advise county communications and request county EMS event number
To isolate and deny entry the proper distance to keep everyone back is at least
100 feet away for small incidents
500 feet away for large incidents
Two ventilations shall be provided after 30 compressions
Badges are property of the county of santa clara and shall be surrendered to the EMS agency upon separation from service with an authorized santa clara county ems system provider
Only the 911 contracted ambulance provider is required to understand the life safety procedures
Pediatric, a pediatric trauma patient is defined as unless otherwise specified in protocol as
Under 15 years old
A mass casualty with 15 patients requiring ambulance transport will be considered a
Level 2
When emergency radio traffic requires an immediate action such as an evacuation, shelter in place order, or eminent safety issue, this alert is issue
Warbler Zone
A personnel accountability report (PAR) is a safety check that includes confirmation that all members of a unit are accounted for and are safe at the time of PAR. Trainees and/or observers do not need to be included in PAR
If a patient refusing care or transport by your unit, any assessment or treatment performed, and/or medical history obtained from the patient does not need to be documented
Life support may be withheld or discontinued for individuals with fixed and dilated pupils
Providers are allowed to take patients that meet major trauma victim criteria to out-of-county facilities per the patient’s request
If a patient, who has a valid DNR, dies while being transported to the hospital, the following options exist:
Transport to the arranged destination equipped and prepared to maintain the deceased including notification of local law enforcement
Return to the point of departure as appropriate
Transport to the closest emergency of an acute care hospital
At what speed does a motorcycle crash meet mechanism of injury criteria for a major trauma victim
Greater than 20 mph