SCCHS Origins and Meanings GCSE Eduqas Flashcards
To know and use the definitions of all the key words.
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1-2 minutes
What is Creatio ex nihilo?
A Latin phrase meaning creation “out of nothing”.
For Christians this is the idea that the universe was created by God from nothing.
What is Evolution?
The gradual development of something.
Charles Darwin believed all the different species on earth developed over time from simple life forms.
What is Imago Dei?
Translated from Latin as ‘the image of God’.
Humans are created in the image of God. This does not mean we look like God but that we possess qualities of God. E.g. the ability to make decisions.
What is Inspiration?
Someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something.
Christians believe the ideas contained in the Bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit.
What is Omnipotence?
The idea that God is all-powerful.
Christians believe this is shown in the Bible when God created the world out of nothing.
What is Revelation?
The word used to describe all of the ways in which God makes himself known to human beings.
This demonstrates God’s omnibenevolence.
What is Stewardship?
Looking after something so it can be passed on to the next generation.
Christians believe that God made humans stewards of creation.
What is Transcendence?
The idea that God exists above and beyond the physical world.
Christians believe we can not fully understand what God is truly like.