Scapula Synergists (Scapulothoracic Joint) Flashcards
Scapulothoracic Scapula Depression
Trapezius (lower fibers)- Spinal portion of Accessory & ventral ramus
Serratus Anterior (with the origin fixed)- Long Thoracic
Pectoralis Minor- Medial Pect, with fibers from a communicating branch of the Lat Pect
Scapulothoracic Scapula Abduction (protraction)
Serratus Anterior (with the origin fixed)- Long Thoracic Pectoralis Minor- Medial Pect, with fibers from a communicating branch of the Lat Pect
Scapulothoracic Downward Rotation of the Scapula
Rhomboid Major- Dorsal Scapular
Rhomboid Minor- Dorsal Scapular
Levator Scapula- Cervical & Dorsal Scapular
Pectoralis Minor- Medial Pect, with fibers from a communicating branch of the Lat Pect
Scapulothoracic Scapula Elevation
Trapezius(upper fibers, unilaterally)- Spinal portion of Accessory & ventral ramus
Rhomboid Major- Dorsal Scapular
Rhomboid Minor- Dorsal Scapular
Levator Scapula(unilaterally)- Cervical & Dorsal Scapular
Scapulothoracic Scapula Adduction (retraction)
Trapezius(middle fibers)- Spinal portion of Accessory & ventral ramus
Rhomboid Major- Dorsal Scapular
Rhomboid Minor- Dorsal Scapular
Scapulothoracic Upward Rotation of the Scapula
Trapezius(upper & lower fibers)- Spinal portion of Accessory & ventral ramus
Serratus Anterior- (with the origin fixed)- Long Thoracic