Scales + Arpeggios Flashcards
Which sharps are in an A Major scale?
Which sharps are in a D Major scale?
Which sharps are in a B Minor Harmonic scale?
F,C, B Flat
Which sharps are in a D Minor harmonic scale?
B Flat
Which sharps are in a G Major scale?
F Sharp
Which sharps are in a B Flat Major scale?
B,E Flat
- (on the way up) b flat, c, d, e flat, f, g, a b flat, c, d, e flat (all 6 fingers and key for low a flat), f (first finger), three fingers, two fingers, two fingers and side key (top note)
Which sharps are in a G Minor harmonic scale?
B,E Flat
F Sharp
What is the pattern for an A Major arpeggio?
A, C Sharp, E
What is the pattern for a D Major arpeggio?
D, F Sharp, A
What is the pattern for a B Minor arpeggio?
B, D, F
What is the pattern for a D Minor arpeggio?
D, F Natural, A
What is the pattern for a G Major arpeggio?
G, B, D
Top note = Three fingers
What is the pattern for a B Flat Major arpeggio?
B, D, F
Top note = 1 finger
What is the pattern for a G Minor arpeggio?
G, B Flat, D
Top Note = Three fingers
Name the notes in a chromatic scale?
G, A Flat, A, B Flat, B, C, C Sharp, D, E Flat, E, F, F Sharp, G
F Sharp, F, E, E Flat, D, C Sharp, C, B, B Flat, A, A Flat, G