Scale development and psychometric properties Flashcards
What types of variables to we measure in psychological research?
Behavior: observable and measurable, objective
Construct: concept of interest, can measure related variables, subjective
Can we trust data from an inconsistent measure?
Pearson’s r
Correlation coefficient: Used to observe reliability of a measure. Should be .8+ (.9 is gold standard, which indicates 10% error)
A type of reliability test in which you have the same person complete the same measure twice and then use r to evaluate the relationship. The higher the coefficient, the more reliable the measure.
Alternate forms
A type of reliability test in which you create two versions of same measure, and administer each version to same participants, then use r to evaluate the relationship
A type of reliability test in which you randomly separate one measure into two parts- administer both parts to same participants and then use r to evaluate the relationship
Cronbach’s alpha
Evaluates internal consistency of a measure
- calculates all possible split-half configurations
- .7 acceptable, .9 gold standard
- scores range from 0-1, like r
Factors that affect reliability
test length homogeneity of items test-retest interval variability of scores variation in test situation sample size
interrater reliability
Used to measure the evaluation of a subjective measure. Two independent raters use a measure for the same observation, then evaluate consistency with r
Especially common in SCD and academic intervention research
What are the two issues in validity?
What a test measures, and how well it measures it
Is validity all or nothing?
No, there are degrees of validity and it requires ongoing consideration because what we know about a construct changes and “normal” functioning changes
How does Pearson’s r relate to validity?
We can use r to evaluate how valid a measure is compared to other measures.
Convergent construct validity
Compares measure to other similar measures
Discriminant Construct validity
does not correlate with a measure of logically unrelated construct
Predictive validity
The measure correlates with related future outcomes (Ex: GRE- compare GRE score to measure of grad school success)
Factors that affect validity
range of attributes being measured
length of interval between administration of test and criterion measure
range of variability in criterion measure
individual validity
Why is it important to be critical when analyzing validity of measures?
Data you collect are interpreted to make high stakes decisions for individuals you serve. The data are only as good as the measures used to collect them.
What is the difference between reliability and validity?
Consistency v. measuring what you intend to measure
Considerations of survey development
the effects of how you word questions
the order of your questions
question format: qualitative or quantitative
Guidelines for survey questions
- each question should be short and clearly worded
- as few questions as possible
- control questions
- keep it simple, specific, exhaustive, individual (make sure questions ask only one thing), optional (allow skips), neutral and balanced (response options should be weighted around neutrality if using a scale)
What types of survey response types should you use?
Stay away from open response; use forced choice as multiple choice or rating items
Considerations for rating scales
- consider validity of items
- items should be short and clearly worded
- some control items
- no open response
- scale should be the same for all items (Likert type is most common, can also be descriptive items across a similar scale, like the BDI)
What is the research finding connecting autism with vaccines an example of?
Type I error
What is the difference between reliability and validity?
Validity indicates what a measure measures and how ell it measure it. Reliability indicates the consistency of a measure.
What is an acceptable coefficient when evaluating the psychometric properties of a measure?