Saying Hello Flashcards
When to use dhuit vs. duit?
Dhuit after vowels only
Dia is Muire dhuit. /jee-ah iss mwir-eh ghwitch/
Hello. (As a reply)
Conas atá tú? /conas ah-taw too/
How are you?
Tá mé go maith, go raibh maith agat. /taw may guh mah, guh rev mah a-gut/
I’m well, thank you.
Tá mé go breá, go raibh maith agat /taw may guh braw, guh rev mah a-gut/
I’m fine, thank you.
Go maith /guh mah/
Go breá /guh braw/
Agus tú féin? /ogg-us too hayne/
And yourself?
Go raibh maith agat. /guh rev mah a-gut/
Thank you.
Le do thoil. /leh duh huh-ill/
Dia dhuit (duit) /jee-ah ghwitch/
Dhuit after vowels only
When to use dhuit vs. duit?
Hello. (As a reply)
Dia is Muire dhuit. /jee-ah iss mwir-eh ghwitch/
How are you?
Conas atá tú? /conas ah-taw too/
I’m well, thank you.
Tá mé go maith, go raibh maith agat. /taw may guh mah, guh rev mah a-gut/
I’m fine, thank you.
Tá mé go breá, go raibh maith agat /taw may guh braw, guh rev mah a-gut/
Go maith /guh mah/
Go breá /guh braw/
And yourself?
Agus tú féin? /ogg-us too hayne/
Thank you.
Go raibh maith agat. /guh rev mah a-gut/
Le do thoil. /leh duh huh-ill/
Dia dhuit (duit) /jee-ah ghwitch/