Savings/Investment Part 4 Flashcards
What are the benefits of foreign investment in Australia?
Provides capital to finance new industries, boosts infrastructure, creates employment opportunities
How is simple calculated?
Interest on the original amount invested
How is compound interest calculated?
Interest earned is added to the original investment, so the interest is calculated on the current balance of the investment
What is the principle?
The original amount of money invested before interests
What is risk?
The opportunity of losing your investment
What is an example of high risk investment?
Investing large amounts of money into shares
What is an example of low risk investment?
Investing money into a savings account
What is return?
The financial gain you receive from your investments, such as the prices of your shares increasing
What is the correlation between risk and reward?
Higher risk can lead to higher returns, whereas lower risk leads to lower returns, however the higher the risk the less likely the return is to occur
What does the term gearing mean?
Borrowing money to invest
What is negative gearing?
When it costs you more to spend on your investment rather than the return you receive from your investment
What does a high level of indebtedness do to the economy?
Makes the economy vulnerable to external shocks, because it must already pay off the debt it owes
What are the costs associated with investing in rental properties?
The cost of the property itself, interest on the mortgage and maintenance of the house
What are the benefits associated with investing in rental properties?
It is an extra source of income, provides capital gain and an increase in your borrowing power
What is a line of credit?
A pre-set amount of credit extended to a borrower, who can borrow against assets with regular repayments every month or so
What are the benefits of a line of credit?
It allows for a short-term fix to receive funds
What is the long-term result of a lie of credit?
It places you in more debt and gives you money which you have not already earned
What is housing affordability?
The ability to buy a house and all the expenses involved with it, in relation to your disposable income, without going into debt
Why has demand for housing increased?
Population increase, investing opportunities and lower interest rates
What is the current median house price in Melbourne and Australia
Melbourne: $850,000
Australia: $810,000
Why are households more vulnerable to shifts in the interest rates?
More people are paying off mortgages to afford the expensive costs of housing, therefore changes in interest rates will change the amount of money they must pay for their mortgages
How can people minimise their debt?
Not making purchases with credit cards, investing smartly and making a clear and concise budget