Satzglieder Mit Fragen Flashcards
Subjekt (Subject)
Wer oder was…? (who or what…?) - the noun/pronoun that performs the action in a sentence
Prädikat (predicate/verb)
Was tut das Subjekt? (What does the subject do?)
Genitivobjekt (genitive object)
Wessen…? (Who’s/belonging to which person?)
Dativobjekt (dative object)
Wem, Wo, Woher, Wann? (whom, where, where from, when?) - the indirect object in a sentence; the recipient of the direct object with no change of location
Akkusativobjekt (accusative object)
Wen oder was, Wohin, Wie lange? (Who or what, where to, how long?) - the direct object; a noun or pronoun that directly receives the action of a verb in a sentence.
Adverbiale der Art un Weise (adverbials of manner)
Wie…? (How…?/an adverb that shows how someone does something or how something happens)
Adverbiale der Zeit (adverbials of time)
Wann, wie lange, wie oft…? (When, how long, how often?/words that describe when an action or event occurs and includes frequency and duration)
Adverbiale des Ortes (adverbials of place)
Wo, wohin, woher…? (Where, where to, where from?/indicates an object’s position in relation to another object)
Adverbiale des Grundes (adverbials of reason)
Warum, weshalb? (Why?/indicates the reason for the action being taken)