Satire Flashcards
When were Donne’s satires written, roughly?
When was Donne’s satire ‘Upon Mr Thomas Coryat’s Crudities’ written?
What does Richard Sugg say about the implications of early modern anatomy on metaphysical attitudes towards the body?
‘increasingly, a once cosmically meaningful organism is spiritually hollowed and neutralized, into an entity which talks only about itself’
What does Donne’s satire 2 say about plagiarism?
‘if one eate my meat, though it be knowne / The meat was mine, th’ excrement is his own’
What does Donne’s satire 2 say about poetry as illness?
‘Though Poetry indeed be such a sinne / As I thinke that brings dearths, and Spaniards in, / Though like the Pestilence and old fashion’d love / Ridingly it catch men’
What does Donne’s satire 2 say about the abundance of writing?
‘all write’
What does Donne’s satire on Thomas Coryat say about anatomy?
‘Worst malefactors… / do publike good cut in Anatomies. / So will thy book in pieces’
What is ‘Beware the Cat’ referred to as in the anonymous poem?
‘a sick mans bloud’ and ‘Streamers excrement’
When was Marston’s ‘Scourge of Villanie’ published?
When was the Bishops Ban on satire introduced?
What does satire 7 in Marston’s ‘Scourge of Villanie’ refer to sin as?
‘the slime that from our souls do flow’
What does Marston say in satire 2 from ‘Scourge of Villanie’ about his inability to stay silent?
‘Who can abstaine? What modest brain can hold’?
What does satire 7 in Marston’s ‘Scourge of Villanie’ refer to his subject as?
‘He’s but a sponge, and shortly needs must leese [release] / His wrong gut juice, when greatness’s fist shall squeeze / His liquor out.’
What does satire 1 in Marston’s ‘Scourge of Villanie’ refer to exposition in satire as?
‘his honesty / Shall be as bare as his Anatomy’
When was Joseph Hall’s ‘Vergidemiarum’ published?
What is a ‘good book’ in relation to its author, according to Milton in ‘Areopagitica’?
‘a good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit’
What does Douglar Lanier say about Marston’s use of a satiric persona?
‘Marston seems attracted to the satiric persona less for its moral possibilities and more for its strategic potential, its ability to theatricalize and re-frame behaviour’
What does ‘Burbage’ say in the Induction to Marston’s ‘Malcontent’?
‘Why should we not enjoy the ancient freedom of poesy?’
What does Malevole say of his disguise as Altofronto?
‘this affected strain gives me a tongue / As fetterless as is an emperor’s’
What kind of satire were Hall and Marston emulating?
What does Per Sivefors note of satire in terms of treading the line of hypocrisy?
One must have a ‘double perspective’ on anger as an object of satire and a tool of satire
What does Raman Selden say about Marston’s satires in terms of subject and style?
‘The low-world which Marston which views from his assumed sublime perspective infects his ‘poetic’ style
What does Selden say about Marston’s hypocrisy?
He ‘cancels the satirist’s corrective role’
What did the Bishops Ban of 1599 say?
‘no Satyres or Epigrames be printed hereafter’
When was Samuel Rowlands’ ‘The letting of Humors blood in the Head-vaine’ published?
What does Clegg note about the publication and ban of Marston’s satirical volumes?
They had originally been granted ecclesiastical approval
What does Hall say about anatomy in book 2 satire 2?
‘Worthy were Galen to be weighd in Gold’
What does Hall say that complicates the idea of satire as flagellation in book 4, satire 1?
‘All these and more deserve some blood-drawne lines: / But my six Cords been of too loose a twine’