SAT Vocabulary List Twelve Words (words first) Flashcards
unusual, strange, and often amusing
happening or done in a way that is not planned or organized
so good or definite that criticism or doubt is impossible
seeming to be wrong, inappropriate, strange, or unexpected in a particular situation
not hurt by a dangerous situation
consisting of people or things that are all of the same kind
- to make something start burning
2. to make someone interested or excited
- involved in or connected with an activity or situation, but not as one of the main features or people
- in the outer area of something, or relating to this area (i.e. regarding eyesight)
- can be connected to a computer and used with it
to stop something from happening or to stop someone from doing something by making it seem difficult or threatening people with punishment
seeming to be everywhere
- having a lot of small details or parts that are connected to each other in a complicated way
- to give more details or new information about something
someone who attacks established ideas and customs
- a particular way of doing something of thinking about something which is generally accepted or copied
- a very clear or typical example of something
- an example or pattern of a word, showing all its forms in grammar
- to make something serious happen suddenly or more quickly than was expected
- to separate a solid substance from a liquid by chemical action, or to be separated in this way
- to make someone fall down or forward with great force
not obeying rules of moral behavior, especially those concerning a profession
deliberately cruel and unfair to someone you believed has harmed you in a way that seems unreasonable to others
- documents or books that are very long and contain a lot of detail
- a piece of clothing that is very large and loose
- a container that is very large and can hold a lot of things
- eating or desiring large quantities of food
2. extremely eager to read books and gain knowledge
behaving like an adult in some ways, especially referring to a young child
a natural tendency to behave in a particular way or cause something
- a poison or disease that is very dangerous and affects people very quickly
- full of hatred for something, or expressing this in a strong way
- period of time in which there are a lot of sudden changes and often wars or violence
- air or water that moves around a lot because of the wind
- people that are noisy and violent
an agreement, approval, support, etc. that is given without actually being spoken or officially agreed to
- formal disagreement between people
2. an annoying sound produced by a group of musical notes that do not go together well