Sat vocabulary Flashcards
Amity (n.)
Friendship; accord
Aberration (n.)
Deviation from a prescribed course.
Anachronism (n.)
Not chronological ( error with date) Something or someone not in the correct historical time.
Antipathy (n.)
> habitual dislike
>instinctive opposition
Blithe (Adj.)
> Cheerful
Cache (n.)
> Hiding place in the ground
to conceal/hide
A reserve
Cajole (v.)
> Coax
>Persuade with promises or flattery
Catalyst (n.)
something that causes activity between two or more persons or forces ((without itself being affected.))
Chimerical (Adj.)
> Imaginary
>Highly Unrealistic
Conflagration (n.)
A large, destructive fire
Copious (Adj.)
Abundance in number (supply/ words)
Corroborate (v.)
To confirm
Debilitate (v.)
> to weaken
>make feeble
Decry (v.)
to condemn (as faulty or worthless)
Defile (v.)
> to desegrate
to violate chastity
to pollute or dirty, to make foul
Denigrate (v.)
> to criticize in a derogatory manner
to blacken
to belittle
Deride (v.)
> to mock
Discursive (adj.)
> rambling /digressive
> reasoning/argument instead of intuition
Disparity (n.)
> not equal
ex) a disparity in math skill
Dogmatic (adj.)
> opinionated based on doctrine —-> which are rules believed to be true
Effervescent (adj.)
> bubbling
lively /vivacious
Efface (v.)
> to wipe out
erase/ obliterate
withdraw shyly
Evanescent (adj.)
> Disappearing /fleeting
> scarcely perceptible
Evince (v.)
> to manifest
to show clearly
to reveal the possession of a ( quality, trait )
Expunge (v.)
> to efface
to erase / blot out / strike
to obliterate
Extol (v.)
> to laud
> to praise highly / eulogize
Fecund (adj.)
> very productive /creative
> capable of producing (*) in abundance
Facilitate (v.)
> to make easier
> to assist the progress of ( a person )
Furtive (adj.)
> sly
taken/done/used in secret
Garrulous (adj.)
> wordy or diffuse
> rambling about the trivial
Idiosyncrasy (n.)
> peculiarity to the individual
> an item/action/event that may seem weird to another person
Incipient (adj.)
> beginning to appear
> beginning to exist in an initial stage
Innocuous (adj.)
> not harmful
not offending
not interesting , stimulating, significant
Inscrutable ( adj.)
> mysterious
Insurgence ( n.)
> revolt
> an act of rebellion
Laconic (adj.)
> concise ( as with words )
Levity (n.)
> fickleness
not serious
lightness of mind, character or behavior
Officious (adj.)
> obliging / ready to serve
> meddlesome or forward in that instance
Pariah (n.)
> an outcase
animal /person that is despised or avoided
in the low of caste system
Placid (adj.)
> peaceful
> undistrubed
Preclude (v.)
> to make something impossible ( presence, existence, occurrence)
> to exclude from something
Predilection (n.)
> Partiality
> Preference
Profuse (adj.)
> in abundance
> extravagant
Raze (v.)
> demolish / level to the ground
> shave/ scrape off
Recluse (n.)
> living in seclusion
> shut off from the world
Residue ( n.)
> remainder / remnant
Superflous (adj.)
> unnecessary
> more than required, excessive
Sycophant (n.)
> a person that flatters to please or serve another——- for their own interest
Unscathed (adj.)
> unharmed
> Narrow rift passage
> Separate
> Outlying
Acquiesce (v.)
> Submit/comply without protest
> to agree
Affinity (n.)
> Attraction to a person, thing, idea
> relationship by marriage or similar
Apocryphal (adj.)
> Doubtful authorship
Doubtful authenticity
False/ spurious
Authoritative (adj.)
> pertaining to authority
> supported by doc evidence that is accepted by authoritities
Cacophony (n.)
> Dissonance
> Harsh sound
Capricious (adj.)
> led by or subject to unpredictable change
> fanciful or witty
Clandestine (adj.)
> done in secrecy or in hiding
> for deception
Cogent (adj.)
> Persuasive by making a clear, concise point
to the point / relevant
Cynic (n.)
> ( a person ) believe that selfishness is a human motivation
someone who expresses a cynical attitude
Decadence (n.)
> Moral degeneration / turpitude
unrestrained/excessive indulgence
falling into inferior state
Didactic (adj.)
> instructive
teach moral lesson
lecture too much
Discern (v.)
> recognize / apprehend
Egregious (adj.)
> Flagrant
extraordinary in a bad way
Emulate ( v.)
> imitate with intention to surpass
> rival with some sucess
Enervate (v.)
> to deprive of force/strength
to weaken
destroy the vigor
> Something/ someone puzzling or inexplicable
> riddle
Fastidious (adj.)
> something/someone demanding
requiring excessive care
Formidable (adj.)
> causing fear /dread
>arousing feelings of admiration b/c of strength/ grandeur
Eminent (adj.)
> high in rank
Apprehend (v.)
> to understand
to expect with anxiety, suspicion, or fear
Police: to take in custody of
Fractious (adj.)
> unruly
readily angered
Frugal (adj.)
> not wasteful
saving or sparing
little expenses
Galvanize (v.)
> to stimulate into activity
Guile (n.)
> crafty deception
Insidious (adj.)
> Intended to entrap
> Seems innocuous but harmful in the end
Hapless (adj.)
> Unlucky
Hegemony (n.)
> leadership/ predominance
> smaller nations expansion/aggression to dominate world
Iconoclast (n.)
> A person who attacks beliefs, or tradition —-based on error / superstition
Destroyer of images
Impertinent (adj.)
> Intrusive
Impinge (v.)
> to impact
to make an impression
to strike, dash, collide
Implacable (adj.)
> not to appease (to bring to peace)
Indefatigable (adj.)
> incapable of being tired out
> Untiring
Ineffable (adj.)
> incapable of being expressed in words
Infamous (adj.)
> having bad reputation
Iniquity (n.)
> Gross injustice
Violation of a right
Inured (v.)
> to accustom to hardship
> to come into use / beneficial
Jargon (n.)
> meaningless talk
language particular to a trade, proffession
language that many don’t understand
Jubilation (n.)
> exultation
> feeling of joy
Lackluster (adj.)
> lacking brilliance/ radiance / liveliness / spirit
Lucid ( adj.)
> easily understood
> shining or bright
Morose (adj.)
> expressing gloom
>gloomy person
Nomenclature (n.)
> names/term in a set or system
Paucity (n.)
> smallness in quantity
Pragmatic (adj.)
> pertaining to a practical point of view or
> practical considerations
Prodigious (adj.)
> extraordinary in size/amount/extent