SAT Vocab Flashcards
Aesthetic (adj.)
Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. (Vn): Thẩm mỹ
Undermine (v.)
to damage or weaken the foundation; sabotage. (Vn): Hủy hoại
Profound (adj.)
Having great depth or insight. (Vn): Thâm thúy
Refute (v.)
To prove false; overthrow by argument. (Vn): bác bỏ
Skeptical (adj.)
Doubtful; disbelieving. (Vn): Hoài nghi
Hostile (adj.)
unfriendly; having ill will. (Vn): Thù địch
Ambivalent (adj.)
Having mixed feelings. (Vn): mâu thuẫn trong tư tưởng
some loved her, some hated her, few were ambivalent about her
Condemn (v.)
To express strong disapproval. (Vn): lên án
Nostalgia (n.)
A longing for the past.(Vn): Hoài Niệm
Assert (v.)
To confidently make a statement. (Vn): Khẳng định
Pretense (n.)
A false appearance or action intended to deceive. (Vn): giả vờ, làm điệu bộ
Cynical (adj.)
believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrit. (Vn): Hoài nghi
Obscure (adj.)
Unclear; hard to perceive. (Vn): Mơ Hồ
Convention (n.)
a large meeting of people who come to a place for usually several days to talk about their shared work or other interests or to make decisions as a group. (Vn): Hội nghị, quy ước
“A week later, the issue again overtook the convention.”
Contempt (n.)
A feeling that someone is inferior or worthless; scorn. (Vn): khinh miệt, khinh rẻ
he showed his contempt for his job by doing it very badly