SAT Prep Flashcards
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a short, amusing story
David loves to tell the anecdote about how he drove a car at age five
Synonyms: story, tale
a feeling of strong dislike
Joanne has a lot of animosity towards her roommate, who steals clothes and money.
Synonyms: hostility, hatred
unselfish concern for others
motivated by altruism, the lottery winner donated his winnings to charity.
Synonyms: charity, goodwill
adhering to one’s opinion or course
Kendra could be obstinate, refusing to follow rules she doesn’t like
Synonyms: stubborn, inflexible
to refer to casually or indirectly
Let’s not allude to my poor grades in math last year.
Synonyms: imply, hint
to make easier to endure
Many people believe that a steak will alleviate the swelling of a black eye.
Synonyms: lessen, mitigate
to speak or write in favor of
A group of teachers joined together to advocate literacy in the community
Synonyms: support, promote
having the abilities of a prophet to predict what will happen
I had a prophetic dream that I’d one day win the Pulitzer Prize.
Synonyms: predictive, prescient
enthusiastic approval or welcome
The play received rave reviews and nationwide acclaim
Synonyms: praise, approval
to approve or support
Athletes are often paid to endorse brands of breakfast cereal.
Synonyms: authorize, recommend
causing hardship
Lance’s onerous debts caused him and his family continual stress.
Synonyms: burdensome, oppressive
providing carefully for the future
A provident homeowner, Carol stores food and water in case of emergencies.
Synonyms: prepared, shrewd
full of life or spirit
Jim’s animated facial expressions were both weird and hilarious.
Synonyms: lively, vigorous
not very important
My new house has a marginal strip of beach along one side of the property.
Synonyms: borderline, insignificant
lacking self-confidence
Pam’s diffident demeanor is characterized by her shuffling walk and lack of eye contact.
Synonyms: hesitant, unconfident