SASP 2021 Flashcards
Abiaterone mechanism
CYP-17 inhibitor –| blocks both androgen & glucocorticoid production
Abiaterone leads to increases in ___corticoids leading to adverse effects such as ____
hypertension, hypokalemia, peripheral edema, nausea/vomiting, weakness
_____ prescriptions can lead to a false positive metanephrine test when working up adrenal masses
tricyclic anti-depressants
Arterial insufficiency is suspected when peak systolic velocity is
Venous leak is suspected when end diastolic velocity is >____
Treatment for primary bladder neck obstruction in young man
Renal artery aneurysms that are completely calcified do not have to be treated unless the patient wishes to ____
become pregnant
Most common nerve injured during lap varicocelectomy - ___ nerve leading to sensory loss in ___
genitofemoral nerve
sensory loss on anterior thigh
Topiramate leads to stone formation through _____uria
On abdominal exploration for undescended testes, most common finding is ____
peeping testis at entry to inguinal ring
Adrenal adenomas have Hounsfield units
Malignant adrenal lesions have
Decision to proceed with deep inguinal node LND for penile cancer is based on _____
positive superficial inguinal nodes at time of ILND
Injury below vertebral level ____ is considered a sacral spinal cord lesion
In a patient with flank pain and hydro s/p reimplant, next diagnostic test should be ____
VCUG to r/o VUR
Concern for female bladder outlet obstruction with Qmax
Thiazide induced hyperCa++ is associated with ___ PTH, ___ phosphorus, and ___ K
normal PTH and phosphorus
Low K
Hypertophied testes in prepubertal boy is >___ cm in length
> 2 cm
Most common stone compositions in gout patients are ___ and ___
uric aid
caox monohydrate
1st line treatment for non-metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer
Thermal burns to penis should be treated with ____
suprapubic catheter due to likely involvement of urethra
Offer allopurinol to pts with recurrent calcium stones and high urinary ____ and normal urinary ____
high uric acid
normal calcium
Congenital paraureteral diverticula are associated with ___
Next step if pt has Sertoli cells only on testicular biopsy
microTESE (30% chance of finding sperm)
Nocturnal polyuria occurs when ___ - ___ % of urine production occurs overnight
Men with pain from peyronie’s disease often report pain resolution after ____ months
12 months
Next step after orchiectomy for paratesticular rhabdomyoscarcoma
ipsilateral RPLND
Rocco stitch during RALP reduces tension on _____ by suturing rhabdosphincter to Denonvieller’s fascia and posterior detrusor muscle
vesicourethral anastomosis
Inability to visualize the bladder on prenatal u/s is most concerning for ____
bladder extrosphy
Do not give IV methylene blue in patients on ___
methylene blue is a strong MAOI