SAS10: Dento-Osseous Structure Of The Mandible Flashcards
What is the mandible?
The mandible is the lower jawbone that supports the teeth of the lower arch. It is movable and has no bony articulation with the skull.
What is the heaviest and strongest bone of the head?
The mandible serves as the framework of the floor of the mouth.
Where do the condyles of the mandible rest?
The condyles of the mandible rest in the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone.
What is the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)?
The articulation between the condyles of the mandible and the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone.
What is the horizontal portion of the mandible called?
The horizontal portion is known as the body of the mandible.
What are the vertical portions of the mandible called?
The vertical portions are known as the ramus of the mandible.
What is the coronoid process?
The coronoid process consists of two projections making up the superior border of the mandible.
What is the shape and function of the coronoid process?
It is a pointed, flattened, smooth projection that is roughened toward the tip for attachment of the Temporal muscle.
What is the condyle/condyloid process?
The condyle is the rounded knob at the posterior border of the mandible, fitting into the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone.
What is the mandibular notch?
The mandibular notch is a semicircular notch forming the sharp upper border of the ramus between the condyle and the coronoid process.
What is the mental foramen?
The mental foramen is one of two holes located in the anterior part of the mandible, directed upward, backward, and laterally.
Where is the mental foramen located?
It is located below the 2nd premolar and a little below the apex of the root.
What is the mandibular symphysis?
The mandibular symphysis is a line of fusion or small vertical ridge at the median line joining the two lateral halves of the mandible.
What is the mental protuberance?
The mental protuberance is a prominent triangle surface formed by the symphysis and mental tubercles, forming the chin.
What is the incisive fossa of the mandible?
The incisive fossa is a shallow depression posterior to the symphysis and immediately above the mental protuberance.