SAS A350 (call/write with comments) Flashcards
Minimum Battery voltage
Initial Engine spool-up for take-off is
25% N1
When do you use Full FWD stick for T/O?
How do you set Thrust in this case?
When any tailwind or when crosswind > 25 kts:
- Reach CL setting at 20 kts
- Reach FLX/TOGA at 40 kts
Engine cool-down time?
5 min
ICE ACCRETION minimum speed?
Does this speed cover WAI inop?
Clean: GDS
Landing Config (3 or FULL): Keep VLS+5
When should you avoid retracting FLAPS after LDG?
When you have ICE accretion
On approach, when does the PM call out “SPEED” (from target)?
-5 to +20 kts
On approach, when does PM call out “PITCH”?
Below 0 or above +10 degrees
On landing, when does PM call out “BANK”
Above 6 degrees
On approach, when does PM call out “SINK RATE”?
Above 1200 FPM
During a go-around, when does PM call
Pitch above 20˚ or below 10˚
If no climb rate
What is the lowest LVO landing minima with NWS or ANTI-SKID inop or when runway is contaminated?
LAND 3 single:
- First segment 175m (600 feet) RVR (2nd segm. 125 m RVR (600 feet USA))
- DH at least 50 feet…
Which deceleration do the different Autobrake modes provide?
- BTV targets a ground speed equal to 10 kt, approx. 60 m before the selected exit.
- BTV CONTAM provides a constant deceleration of 3 m/s² limited by A-SKID
- BRK MED provides a constant deceleration of 3 m/s²
- RTO mode provides maximum braking performance limited by A-SKID.
When does the AUTOBRAKE activate during an RTO?
When the ground spoilers extend and GS above 40 kt.
(Spoilers extend > 72 kts wheel speed)
Deceleration rate has reached at least 80 % of the selected deceleration
When does the PM call “CROSS TRACK” on approach?
How about “COURSE”?
When XTK > 0,1 NM
VOR APPR > 1/2 dot deflection (= 2,5˚)
NDB APPR > 5˚off course
PM calls “LOC” when?
More than 1/2 dot deviation
PM calls “GLIDESLOPE” when?
More than 1/2 dot deviation
On approach PM calls “VDEV” when?
1/2 dot / 50 feet deviation
On approach PM calls
“HIGH / LOW” when?
On an approach using V/S or FPA, call-outs are made in reference to the temperature corrected altitudes over published points/distances:
On profile: within 50 feet of target
Slightly: 50-100 feet deviation
High/low: more than 100 feet deviation
When may you leave the FLIGHT DIRECTORS on below minima?
When GP is relevant - Anchor point is the runway threshold
When may you arm an ILS approach?
- Within coverage (OM-A: within 10˚ and 24nm (Some cases 18nm))
- Cleared for approach
- Intercept trajectory for the final approach course
- LOC deviation is available on the PFD.
When may you arm an RNP approach?
- Cleared for approach
- Intercept trajectory for the final approach course
- Next waypoint is the FINAL descent point
- F-LOC/X-TRK deviation is available on the PFD.
When is an ILS or LOC approach stabilized?
(LOC, G/S or path)
ILS: Max 1 dot from Localizer / Max 1 dot from GP
LOC: Max 1 dot from Localizer / Along the vertical profile
When is an RNP approach stabilized?
- XTK within 1/2 RNP (brief deviations up to RNP) and MAX XTK 0.2 nm
- V/DEV within 75 feet / ¾ dot. (Above 1000’ more than 75’ above profile is allowed)
- If using FPA: Along the vertical profile
When is a VOR or NDB approach stabilized?
Max ½ dot or 2.5 ° from inbound track /
Along the vertical profile
Max 5 ° from inbound track /
Along the vertical profile
What are the SPEED and THRUST criteria for a STABILIZED approach?
- Aircraft at target speed (-5/+10) and thrust stabilized, usually above idle.
Stabilized concept: Wings level and along desired flight path at what altitude for a circling and visual approach?
300 feet for circling
500 feet for visual
For an approach to be STABILIZED the maximum rate of descent is?
1500 FPM
At what altitude must an approach be stabilized and what are the call-outs if:
- SPEED above target but decreasing at 1000 feet AAL?
- NOT STABILIZED at 1000 feet AAL, but VMC?
- SPEED above target at 500 feet AAL?
All approaches shall be planned to be stabilized at 1 000 ft AAL. In IMC all approaches must be stabilized at 1 000 ft AAL (except SPEED/THRUST if decelerating towards target) and in VMC not later than 500 ft AAL.
- “1000 feet, NOT STABILIZED, SPEED”
- “1000 feet, NOT STABILIZED, VMC”
What is an SBAS approach? Lowest minima?
Satellite Based Augmentation System LPV – Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance This correspond to an ILS CAT I accuracy and is flown with SLS as guidance function and indicated on the PFD
What is an GBAS approach? Lowest minima?
GBAS – Ground Based Augmentation System
The accuracy is such that LAND 1 capability is reached.
How does the PM call out altitude and distances on a 2D approach?
- Within 50 feet - ON PROFILE
- 50-100 feet - SLIGHTLY HIGH/LOW
- More than 100 feet - HIGH/LOW
Ex. “On profile. Next is 6 miles at 1860 feet”
When do you need to do an Engine run-up?
How do you do it?
- OAT 0˚C or below
- FZFG/FZDZ with visibility < 1000m
and - Engines running more than 10 minutes.
- 50% N1 for 10 seconds, every 10 minutes.
- Brakes on and notify TWR.
- Record time in conditions in the logbook.
What does RAW ONLY mean for a VOR or NDB approach?
For a LOC, ILS G/S OUT, LOC B/C approach?
For VOR and NDB approaches:
- Use TRK-FPA guidance.
- Monitor and fly on VOR or NDB signal.
How about for a LOC, ILS G/S OUT, LOC B/C approach:
- Track LOC signal
- Use FPA vertical selected mode (disregard GLIDE PATH indication)
Is VFE NEXT always displayed on the speed tape?
If Slats or Flaps are jammed, What is VFE NEXT based on?
No. Only below 22.000 ft
Actual Slat/Flap position
Low Visibility Take-off means RVR below?
Special requirements for LVTO?
RVR less than 550 m
LVO operations in use and
LVTO shall be performed by the L/P
What is a pre takeoff check?
What should you do if the HOT is expired?
Whenever conditions are such that frost, ice and snow might be present on the critical surfaces, the CDR shall perform a Pre-takeoff Check within 2 minutes of commencing takeoff roll. Ways to do it:
- Mental Review
- Check of a Representative Surface
- Check of Wings
If HOT has expired a new de/anti-icing is required.
With BA POOR, rwy code 1 or FC 0.25–0.20, the CDR should?
…carefully consider wind, gross weight, runway and taxiway state etc, before deciding to take-off or land
Operations with BA NIL, rwy code 0 or FC below 0.20 is?
If a runway width exceeds 45 meters, snow clearing to 45 meters is considered as the entire width. What is the minimum cleared width for A350?
45 m
When different braking actions are reported along a runway, which value should be applied?
For maximum crosswind, use lowest value for the whole runway.
If required runway LENGTH is less than available runway, lowest value for required runway length.
If different BA/FC are given on the required WIDTH of the runway, the lowest value applies.
Do you need a fueling supervisor before fueling while boarding?
Yes. Usually ground personel, but can also be one of the pilots, if no other personel available. Agreed upon 2-way communication like TAC must be used or visual contact with fueling supervisor (standard fire/rescue hand signals should be used in case of spill or fire):
- Hand across neck below face to stop fueling.
- Right arm making a figure 8, while left pointing upwards for engine fire or downward for brake fire.
FD tasks for fueling while boarding?
Flight Crew shall:
- Set Seat Belts signs OFF
- FD manned (coordinate if crew change)
- Establish two-way communication with fueling supervisor (TAC, Flight interphone, verbal or agreed hand signals)
- Inform CC and passengers that fueling will take place.
- Inform Gate Personnel that boarding may start.
- Stop the fueling immediately if vapour detected or other hazards during fueling.
- Inform cabin crew when fueling completed (or turn on fasten seat belt sign)
RVR value in feet in the SAS LVO GUIDE applies to?
Operation in the US and Canada
Which 6 tasks are included in the PFI?
External Inspection (EI)
Preflight Emergency Equipment Check
Check of Aircraft Technical Log Book
Aircraft Fueling – Documentation
Departure Check
External surface / Contamination Check
(Performed by FD on SH. Trained maintenance/ground personnel on LH)
When shall the number of passengers seated in fwd and aft sections of the aircraft be counted and checked against the Loadsheet?
- When total number of passengers is 25–210
- On request from the CDR.
- On flights with “free seating”.
- On transit flights with passengers boarding and/or disembarking during intermediate ground stops.
- In case of unusual distribution of passengers in the cabin.
When should pilots use supplemental oxygen?
- When cabin altitude exceeds 10 000 ft after 30 minutes
- When cabin altitude exceeds 13 000 ft.
- On non-pressurized flights, continuously when cabin altitude exceeds 10,000 ft.
What is a type A approach?
Type B?
Type A: DH >= 250’
Type B: DH < 250’
Minimum RFFS for departure and destination airports?
Alternates and temporary downgrade of the above?
ETOPS enroute alternates (available with 30 minute notice)?
9 (E in the US)
7 (C in the US)
4 (A in the US)
In flight, the CDR may decide to land at an open aerodrome regardless of the RFFS category if, in his judgement, to do so would be safer than to divert.
What is the 60 minute diversion distance?
180 minute?
427 NM
1241 NM
Which winds are reported in true and which in magnetic?
If you read it, it’s true:
• METAR, TAF, upper winds
If you hear it, it’s magnetic:
• ATIS and tower/controller reported wind
What is the difference between Landing distance affected and Landing performance affected?
If Landing performance is affected = revised Vapp speed
When using BTV you must check the ND runway length vs. airport data (LIDO). What is the limit?
The LDA displayed on the ND (left upper corner) must not exceed the LDA published in airport data by more than 35 m (115 ft).
What is the minimum RVR for a CAT IIIB approach?
75m or published value if higher
What is the procedure for In-Flight contingencies in Oceanic airspace?
- Attempt to get ATC clearance
- Maintain level or minimize level change
- Turn 30˚ right and offset 5 NM
- LIGHTS ON, visually scan and monitor TCAS for traffic
- Alert other aircraft on 121,50 and 123,45
- Below FL285 -> diversion
Failures that qualify for an ETOPS diversion according to OM-A:
- Electrical failures with power from a single primary source.
- Smoke warnings (except when positively identified as harmless)
- Hydraulic failures that seriously restricts the operation
- Explosive decompression or other structural damage.
What is the NAV ACCURACY required in NAT HLA airspace?
10 NM on Random ROUTES
4 NM on Organized Tracks
Describe the BANK ANGLE protection
- Max 67˚ bank (60˚ high lift situation)
- Returns to 33˚with stick neutral
- Turn coordination
- “BANK, BANK” auto call below 100 feet and bank above 6˚
With High SPEED or High AOA protection:
- Max 45˚ bank
Describe the PITCH ATTITUDE protection
Pitch is limited to:
- Max 30˚ Nose up (25˚ at low SPD)
- Max 15˚ Nose down
Tail strike prevention:
- “PITCH PITCH” auto call above 10,5˚ degrees below 50 RA
- Pitch limit displayed on PFD for landing
How does the LOW ENERGY protection work?
Aural call “SPEED, SPEED, SPEED” if speed between Vls and Va prot:
- 2500’ to 100’ RA on landing
- 200’ to 2500’ RA on takeoff
What activates the ALPHA FLOOR function?
Automatic TOGA thrust is set when one of the following conditions is true:
- The angle of attack is above α-floor
- The angle of attack protection is active, and sidestick close to full back stick
- The speed is below VLS -5 kt and autopilot engaged in cruise above 25 000 ft
When is the REACTIVE WINDSHEAR alert active?
From 50 to 1300 feet
How does the AOA protection work?
- Limits stick input between Va prot and Va max.
- Limits bank angle depending on load factor (max 45˚ bank)
- Freezes pitch up trim = static stability
How does the HIGH SPEED protection work?
- OVERSPEED aural warning depending on acceleration rate.
- SPEED BRAKE auto extention/retraction
With High SPEED protection active:
- Max bank 45˚
- Pitch trim frozen
- Pitch increases with speed
- Spiral stability - bank reduced to 0˚ with stick released
What does the LOAD LIMIT protection do?
Limits G-Loads in NORMAL LAW to:
+2,5 to -1 clean configuration
+2 to 0 slats extended
Environmental/Temperature limits?
For takeoff and landing?
- -80C up to 43100´
- Minimum TAT -52C
Takeoff & landing
- minus 2000’ to 12500’
- SL -54C to +55C
Minimum runway width (SAS)
Minimum taxiway width (SAS)
MAX x-wind for T/O?
- Dry and wet
- RWYCC 4, 3, 2, 1
MAXIMUM x-wind landing
- Dry and wet
- RWYCC 4, 3, 2, 1
40 kts
27/20/20/15 kts
What is the MAXIMUM tailwind for T/O and Landing?
15kts for T/O, 10kts for landing
MAX wind for pax door operation?
At what wind speed should operation be suspended (OM-A)?
MAXIMUM windspeed for cargo door operation?
40kts (close before 60kts)
MAX GEAR extended and operating speed (Vle/lo)
MAX GEAR gravity extension SPEED?
MAXIMUM tire speed:
What is the MAXIMUM airspeed with wipers on?
Low TAKEOFF WEIGHT restrictions for the A350
Below 175T? Below 160T?
Below 175T and CONF 3: no FLEX.
Below 160T with crosswind more than 25 kts: D12, D16, D20 or D24 mandatory
When may you engage the AUTOPILOT after takeoff?
At least 5 sec after lift-off
Minimum AUTOPILOT height after manual G/A
100 feet
Minimum autopilot height F-G/S, Final APP, APP-DES, V/S or FPA
200 feet
Minimum autopilot height APPR 1
160 feet
Minimum autopilot height LAND 1,2,3
0 (80´ manual landing)
Minimum autopilot height Circling
500 feet
Minimum RNP with GPS primary
What is the maximum wind for an AUTOLAND
Based on the surface wind reported by the tower
Depending on the situation up to MTOW
Maximum elevation?
With one Engine Inop, the AUTOLAND FLAP Configuration is?
3 or FULL
LAND 3 DUAL alert height
200 feet
MINIMUM Glide Path height over Threshold GHT?
How long may you operate with APU OIL LVL LO
MAX 20 hrs
Maximum APU start attempts
MAX 3 consecutive start attempts followed by 60 minutes before new attempt
Maximum altitude for APU BLEED engine start?
Max altitude APU Single PACK
Maximum altitude APU Dual PACK operation
13 qts
Maximum Engine continuous starter operation is 5 min, but how do you count it?
Cool down after that?
- Two consecutive cycles of 3 min maximum, plus one additional cycle of 1 min, with a run down to zero N3 and wait 30 s between each cycle, or
- One 5 min cycle
Wait 30 min after the last cycle to allow the starter to cool
Engine warm-up before Takeoff
5 min (2 min if shut down 90 min or less)
MAX Engine time in FZFG before T/O (SAS)?
1 C > OAT => -9 C: 90 min.
OAT < -9C: 60 min (+20 if RUNUP 50%/2 min)
MAXIMUM altitude with Flaps/Slats extended?
The Fuel positive temperature limit is?
(same as the aircraft max operating temperature).
Negative temperature limit JET A, A1 and TS-1?
+55 C
-40 C for JET A
-47 C for JET A1
-50 C for TS-1
MAXIMUM Fuel imbalance
3000 kgs
In abnormal conditions (e.g. fuel system failures) the above-mentioned maximum fuel imbalance values may be exceeded without significantly affecting the aircraft handling qualities. The aircraft remains fully controllable in all phases of the flight.
Maximum brake temperature for takeoff
Minimum Cockpit OXYGEN pressure
750 psi (1050 if 3 occupants on FO or CDR side)
Runway slope limit
+/- 2 %
Vmo / Mmo
340 kts / M .89
What is Vmc (approximately) during landing?
During takeoff?
122 Kias
131 Kias at SL for all configurations
What is the maximum taxi weight?
Maximum takeoff weight?
268,9 T
268 T