SAS 4 Flashcards
Also called as Rose Gardener’s Disease
Only fungus disease that can almost be diagnosed by clinical picture alone.
Etiologic agent of Sporotrichosis
Sporothrix schenckii
Microscopic Morphologic Feature:
• Yeast phase: (35-37°C on BHIA) spherical/oval Cigar-shaped-Bodies singly or multiple budding on gram stain.
- “Asteroid Bodies”
- round single on Methenamine Silver Stain
Sporotrichosis (Sporothrix schenckii)
Conidia borne in floral-like arrangement conidia borne along the sides of daisy-like “Rosette” clusters or “bouquet”-like.
Sporotrichosis (Sporothrix schenckii)
Old-Mold Cultures: Sleeve-formation = single conidia borne along the sides of hyphae
Sporotrichosis (Sporothrix schenckii)
Also known as Chromomycosis, Verrucous dermatitidis
Characterized by the development of papule which spreads to form warty tumor-like lesions characterized as “cauliflower-like”
Etiologic agent of Chromoblastomycosis
Dematiaceous fungi
CLADOSPORIUM type of Chromoblastomycosis
Cladophialora carrionii / Hormodendrum
“slender conidiophore of various lengths”
Cladophialora carrionii / Hormodendrum
Chromoblastomycosis PHIALOPHORA TYPE:
Phialophora verrucosa
“flask-like or vase-like or tube-like conidiophore” each with distinct collarette
Phialophora verrucosa
Fonsecaea pedrosoi
Fonsecaea compactum
“Swollen club-shaped ends of conidiophore”
Fonsecaea pedrosoi
“Short conidiophore tightly packed conidia”
Fonsecaea compactum
Brown “fission bodies” or “schlerotic bodies” which appears brown, rounded and resemble “copper pennies” as seen in tissue either in 10% КОН preparations or sectioned
Also known as Mycetoma, Madura foot
Chronic granulomatous infection which produces tumor-like lesions and sinus tract formation with the presence of granules usually of the foot
2 distinct group Etiologic agent of Maduramycosis
- Actinomycotic mycetoma
- Eumycotic mycetoma
Fungus-like bacteria
Actinomycotic mycetoma
Granules contain very fine delicate filaments to bacillary to coccoid forms
Actinomycotic mycetoma
Actinomycotic mycetoma stain of tissue used
H&E; PAS; GMS; Brown and Brenn (tissue gram)
Actinomycetales species:
A. Israelii
Nocardia species; (Asteroides, brasiliensis, caviae)
Streptomycoses species: (Madurae, Pelietieri, Somaliensis)
“molar tooth-like” colony
A. Israelii
True fungi
Eumycotic mycetoma
Granules contain large, coarse septate hyphae and numerous chlamydospores
Eumycotic mycetoma
Eumycotic mycetoma:
- Allescheria (Petriellidium) Pseuoallescheria boydi = most common
- Madurella (M. mycetoma; M. grisea)
- Phialophora species
Initial lesions are small, hard and subcutaneous nodules appearing on the extremities, face or ear.
Etiologic agent of Lobomycosis
Loboa loboi
Tumor-like polyp usually on the nose
Etiologic agent of Rhinosporidiosis
Rhinosporidium seeberi
Acquired from stagnant water
• Stained: (H & E; PAS; or KOH)
- Large, spherical SPORANGIA 10-30 microns in dm filled with SPORANGIOSPORES