SAS# 3 Flashcards
viewed as a continuum of events that occur from conception to death
(Ignatavicious and Workman, 2005)
I. Biological Theories of Aging
A. Stochastic Theory
Free radical
Wear and tear
Connective tissue/cross-linked
B. Nonstochastic Theories
Programmed Theory
Gene/biological clock theory
Neuroendocrine theory
Immunological theory
Based on random events that cause cellular damage that accumulates as the organisms ages
Stochastic Theories
Membranes, nucleic acids, and proteins are damaged by ____ which causes cellular injury and aging
Free radical theory
Errors in DNA and RNA syntesis occur with aging
Error Theory
Cells wear out and cannot function with aging
Wear and tear theory
With aging, proteins impede metabo processes and cause trouble with getting nutruents to cells and removing cellular waste
Connective tissue/Cross-linked theory
Based on genetically programmed events that cause cellular damage that accelerates aging of the organism
Nonstochastic Theories
Cells divide until they are no longer able to, and this triggers apoptosis or cell death
Programmed Theory
Problems with hypothamlamus-pituitary-endocrine gland feedback system cause disease; increased insulin growth factor accelerates aging
Neuroendocrine theory
Aging is due to faulty immunological function, which is linked to general well-being
Immunological Theory
I. Psychosocial Theories of aging
A. Sociological Theories
Activity Disengagement
Age stratification
Person-Environment Fit
B. Psychological Theories
Human needs
Stages of Personality Development
Life-course/lifespan development
Selective optimization with compensation
Changing roles, relationships, status and generational cohort impact the older adult’s ability to adapt
Sociological Theories
Remaining occupied and involved is necessary to a satisfying late-life. Gradual withdrawal from society and relationships serves to maintain social equilibrium and promote internal reflection
Activity Disengagement
The elderly prefer to segregate from society in an aging subculture sharing loss of status and societal negativity regarding the aged. Health and mobility are key determinants of social status