Sartre and Existentialism Flashcards
________ and ______ ____________ had a lot in common, not the least of which was that their lives were, to one degree or another, shaped by the rise of the Nazi Party and Hitler.
Sartre and Charlie Chaplin
Sartre studied philosophy in Paris and by ____ was teaching philosophy.
When the Germans invaded Paris in _____ in changed Sartre from an academic to a _______ fighter against the Nazis.
1940, resistance
On a philosophical level, the rise of the Nazi party changed Sartre into a passionate defender of the ________, the ‘________ of the earth’.
oppressed, wretched
Sartre was captured and imprisoned and came to realize how alone he was, and that only he can make the situation meaningful to himself. After the war, Sartre because a ________ for a while.
Sartre’s belief in communism was shattered when the Soviets attacked _______ in 1956.
Soren __________, a 19th century Danish philosopher who was raised in devout Lutheran, adopted the Lutheran ideal that everyone has a ________ relationship with God.
Kierkegaard, direct
Ethics is
when people must make and judge their own moral choices.
In Kierkegaard’s view making authentic choices was _______.
Authentic choices involve
consistency of perception, thought and action.
An inauthentic person ____ _______ from responsibility. of creating themselves through choices and allows others to do it for them.
runs away
Sartre never married, but his lifelong companion was _______ __ ____________, an influential feminist. Sartre never published anything without having her read it first.
Simone de Beauvoir
Sartre made it his life’s work to improve the ________ and _________ conditions of the day.
social, political
Sartre provided the philosophical foundation for a whole generation of young philosophers who ignited the _______ movement in the 1960’s.
Sartre himself was an ________, Soren Kierkegaard was a firm believer in the existence of _____. Both were existentialists.
atheist, God
As a rule, Sartre said there are no objective and _______ values. The individual trying to determine howto act or trying to define him/herself, finds no ________ answers.
transcendent, external
In Sartre’s words, ‘we are condemned to be ______’, unshaped by any external moral law or value.
How do we determine the right thing to do? We must _____ for ourselves and it is through these ______ that we become who we are.
choose, choices
Having chosen who we are, we must accept the full burden and _____________ of our freedom.
“Existence precedes __________”. People exist before they have a defined self.
Some existentialists disagree with Sartre in that they claim there must be a ______ who provides us with the values to choose from, like Gabriel _________
God, Marcel
Who coined the term existentialism?
Sartre provided that since we are free to choose, we must respect the _____ of others to choose as well. Only by respecting others’ freedom can we protect ours.
Taking responsibility for one’s choices and respecting others’ right to make free choices provides us with guidelines. These guidelines allow us to aspire to be a ‘_____ person’.