SARON 006 Flashcards
The time of useful consciousness (perception, consciousness) at FL400
15-30 secs
Airspeed drops to Zero in climb what does this indicate?
Pitot blocked, but drain vent is clear.
What prevents the aircraft to reverse at cruise:
The low pitch stop.
What is the MAC%
VFR 2 hours trip to eastbound, the max alt without oxygen is
How much extra fuel for day VFR:
30 mins
The multi-aircraft fly over the water without lift jacket distance is
The max wind for the CRFI 0.35 with 40°crosswind, the max wind speed; def of CRFI
20KTS ; How slippery the runway is
Pilot taking some risk XC with intentions to remain VFR, what will happen
He will infirm (weak-willed) the weather for VFR
The speed for the critical engine failure is
Take off and climb safety speed of multi-engine:
V2, Climb safe speed
ATPL licence where medical expires becomes ?
PPL Licence
A pilot is 42-year-old, he flies an airplane in a two crew environment. Every ……. months he has to do a medical exam, and an ECG ……… months before doing his medical:
12 and 12
When can you test an ELT ?
First 5 min of UTC hours, no longer than 5 secs.
Buffet boundary limits:
Carbon Monoxide facts: How many days to recover ?
You need several days to recover
CVR (cockpit voice recorder) will start ?
as soon as the electrical on
Type II and Type IV de-icing fluid requirement:
Restricted to aircraft with a Rotation Speed greater to 100Kt
NAT MNPF is in between which flight levels ?
FL285 - FL420
Define Holdover time of deicing fluids (holding time of deicing fluids)
Holdover time is calculated as the beginning at the START of of an approved de-icing/ anti-icing fluid and as expiring when the fluid is
What is EPR (engine pressure ratio)
Total pressure over Inlet pressure
What does a Mach meter measure ?
The ratio between aircraft speed to local sound speed (the ratio of aircraft speed to local speed of sound).
What change to flight plan Mach number require ATC notification?
Airspeed change more than 0.01 Mach or 10%
What is the beta range ?
Power lever control the propeller angle. (control prop angle and fuel flow) speed governor
SVFR whose responsibility to avoid obstacle
The Pilot
ATC clearance and instruction is based on:
ATC can only see known aircrafts
Minimum required amount of seatbelts ?
At least one Pilot must have one on at any given time.
Which is best with FL310 to FL350 SGR wise
FL310 SGR 0.28
Turbo-Jet A/C have reverse, how does it work ?
Use the exhaust gas forward
Can you take off if the Fuel gauges broken:
Can take-off, have MEL & company Operation manual.
Compression sickness occurs when ?
Nitrogen gas form in tissues. (Mesh)
A/C in high control airspace which CODE and mode ?
2000 and mode c
When A/C at uncontrolled airport, there is no ground station, so:
Take-off Run dist. + Stop way=ASDA(Accelarate stop dist. available).=TORA(T/O run distance)+Stop way available. 7500+1000=8500
We should file flight plan at Artic Area (Arctic Area) at which altitude ?
above: FL270 is controlled
Forest fires must be flown :
3000 above and 5nm
ADIZ penetration time and distance
5mins and 20NM
When to set 29.92 from altimeter setting region to standard
Just after entry
Pilot that proceeds in bad weather likely to:
Answer A : There is no against the plan
What is the max speed when A/C fly hold at FL190 and FL140
265 KTS and 230KTS
What is the Max speed when A/C below 3000 AGL within 10 NM:
What’s the normal Max flight duty time (duty time) in 24 consecutive hours:
24 Hours
For two consecutive 14-hour flight duty times, you must receive a 14-hour flight,
Need to rest for 24 Hours at the end
Class C control zone when tower is not operating, change to:
Class E Controlled
CARs require that pilot should know:
The copy of Company Operational Manual
Critical Point(Time To) is:
1Hour 26Mins
Take off and landing on building up area (building area) only at
Airport or Military aerodrome
Local anesthesia need how many hours to wake ?
In a turbofan:
There is an All of part bypass and mixed low compression
Radius to avoid thunderstorm if temperature is -5˚?
Commuter and Airline after 1991 must have:
What constitutes a large A/C
5700KG 12566LBS
IFR flight with comm failure in VMC
Code 7600, fly VFR land at nearest soon as
while experiencing Black whole illusion the pilot will tend to ?
Fly the approach low
Smokers are more prone to Hypoxia, because:
CO2 stops O2 from getting in Blood.
The time for IFR protection if communication failure is:
30 mins
How many T/O and LDG need to take passenger at night:
5 T/O and LDG in 6 Months.
To be current as crew member on the aircraft you need ?
3 T/O and LDG in 90 days
What is advantage of the thunderstorm detector:
Can get the information that is over mountains.
For what altitude do you need high altitude training ? and how frequent ?
FL130 and above, ever 3 years
An aircraft without an altitude alert System can be flown for ?
Training - Test Flight - PPC - Delivery for maintenance
Flight at a Class F advisory airspace is ?
not encouraged but can fly in at pilot’s discretion.
A/C have an unserviceable battery, you need ?
to replace the battery and obtain a maintenance release
An external flight control lock for an A/C must have:
An unmistakable warning to the pilot that control lock is engaged
What indicate compressor stall:
Loss of thrust - Backfire - ITT RISE
The purpose of compressor bleed is
Prevent compressor stall or surging at LOW RPM
What is the anti-skid used for
When speed decelerate rapidly
When approach involve a headwind to a calm wind shear should
Increase power as the shear is encountered, then reduce
Fly at night as a commercial pilot, you need:
IFR Rating - LDG Light - turbine single company operation.
Must foreign aircrafts follow AD
aircraft from the other country by the foreign country MANDATORY
LOGBOOK entries must be ?
unbroken chronological
Look at the picture title: Minutes and fuel ?
115minutes 2500GAL ccca
Look at the picture, the relationship between N1 and fuel consumption (N1 & FF): N1 & fuel flow change, temp degree change chart has how much you have to add per degree. Known information:
foreign aircraft
FL330, temperature=-50°C, weight=238000,time now=083
There are four options , Choose the first A.0917
Look at the picture: N1 & FF, the answer is:
D.91.6 & 559 (note the NOTE in the picture)
Move baggage calculation
346.11 lbs
CPL pilot want to do X/C plan, strong intention to do VFR, what’s gonna happened: He will confirm the weather for VFR. On Is thinking about VFR, or a little bad weather.
He will just consider the
good weather supports the flight and ignore the bad condition
When Reverted rubber Hydroplaning can occur:
Steam and heat
Frost icing formed on the wing, 0.10-0.15 inch in diameter, what affect:
affect second segment climb performance a lot, not affect lift
When holding short a large A/C overshoot, tower tell you clear take off:
Deny take off, tell ATC why can’t accept
Through a thunderstorm, the best way to go?
safety power and altitude no 180˚ turn
When should you check for ice contamination ?
no ice contamination on critical surface before take off, check prior T/O
ATPL licensed pilot can be PIC for any aircraft providing:
Instrument rating and endorsement for type
When to use cell phone in flight:
com failure with no other way to communicate
IFR to uncontrolled airport in uncontrolled airspace, when do you report ?
report 5 mins before commencing APR
IFR to uncontrolled airport in uncontrolled airspace, what frequency do you broacdcast on ?
broadcast on 126.7 before change into MF
ATC clears …to an approach, what do you say ?
D 【tell him which approach & which runway】tell him how you go to IAF
Where is RVR A
visibility along the runway TDZ
Multi-select the following items can be a “reportable accident”
1 2the
plane got major damaged which influence the performance 3 the plane disappeared or destroyed
When TCAS shows advise, what should you do?
Advise ATC the deviation (yaw) you have done when capable, and back to the position the clearance or instruction clear you before.
Identify requirement for filing flight plans: It was a flight between Canada and Mexico
A: all flight need file international flight plan
Have a clearance to climb, ask climb rate is:
choose D, optimal (the best ), the climb speed suitable for the aircraft
What can increase V1 :
the take off weight increase
A/c pressurization system (negative pressure relief function ?
prevent external pressure higher than inside