SAR Policy Flashcards
When is a Sector (V) pattern used?
when datum is established with a high degree of confidence and the target is difficult to detect.
when datum is established with a high degree of confidence and the target is difficult to detect.
When a Single unit, second search for a VS (sector search) is performed, shift the pattern how many degrees to the right?
30 degrees to the right
When is a Square (S) search pattern is used ?
A Square (S) search pattern is used when datum is established within close limits and uniform coverage is desired.
When performing a Square (S) search pattern all turns are how many degrees to the right? How many degrees is the second search shifted?
All turns are 90 degrees to the right and a second is performed by shifting the pattern 45 degrees to the right.
What is MSAP?
enacted by Congress in 1982. It directed the Coast Guard to review policies and procedures for towing and salvage of disabled vessels in order to further minimize the possibility of Coast Guard competition or interference with…commercial enterprise.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the coxswain?
- The safety and conduct of passengers and crew.
- The safe operation and navigation of the vessel.
- The completion of mission or sortie.
- Safe guarding of life and property.
- Ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
When may the coxn leave the boat?
- When the operational benefit clearly outweighs the risk i, e., coxn is certified EMT and the situation requires their expertise.
What shall be discussed if the coxn leaves the boat? Who must the coxn get concurrence with before leaving the boat?
anchoring, terminating the boats voyage on a mooring/pier.
coxn must get concurrence from the OOD and the CDO.
Unless it is time critical to save a life.
Can the station’s boats operate covertly without permission from the CDO?
if authorized, Navigational lights will be energized prior to approaching and boarding a vessel.
All station boats shall operate at a safe speed in regards to what?
Prevailing weather conditions, traffic density and back ground ligting.
Can a crew member sleep onboard a Station Castle Hill boat?
No, unless the boat is at a sheltered anchorage in order to minimize u/w time for an extended operation and the member is not on watch provided concurrence from the coxn, OOD and CDO.
The boat crew, duty section and any other persons who might reasonable be expected to be recalled to support unit operations shall not consume alcohol less than how many hours before placed in a alert duty status?
12 Hours
The steering and Sailing rules are numbered how in the rules of the road book?
What is the STAAR model?
Spread out Transfer Avoid Accept Reduce
What shall the pre u/w brief include?
Mission Required PPE Weather Waivers GAR worksheet (supervision, Planning, Crew fitness, Crew Selection, Environment, Event evolution complexity)
Missions assessed in the AMBER shall be briefed to who?
OOD/CDO/XPO/CO and OC (operations controller)
missions in the red will not include the XPO
What is the limit of the rescue swimmer during a capsized vessel case?
Reach as far underneath as possible to attempt a rescue.
Request divers, talk the people out etc…
If a surface swimmer is deployed, what shall they be wearing?
A PFD with a dry suit or anti exposure coverals,
Helmet and a swimmers harness tethered by another crew member.
CG personnel shall not engage in independent firefighting operations, except to save life or in the early stages to avert a significant threat without undue risk.