SAR Funds Flashcards
To pass the SAR Funds test
National SAR Plan
National SAR Supplement
Stages of the SAT system
1- Awareness 2- Initial actions 3- Planning 4- Operations 5- Conclusion
Types of distress
Actual and potential
Are actual and potential distress treated differently?
3 ways to communicate distress
Visual, Audio, Electronic
Determining legitimacy (3 keys)
Uncorrelated distress (not enough info)
False alarm
3 Emergency phases
Uncertainty (doubt)
Alert (apprehension)
Distress (danger)
5 Components of SAR system
Organization Resources Communications Emergency Care Documentation
When is SAR called off?
All hope is lose
Search suspended
False alarm verified
Search is completed (successfully)
3 Primary Geographic regions for SAR
Inland (AF)
Maritime (CG)
High Seas (unified commanders)
SAR Coordinator (District)
SAR Mission Coordinator (Sector)
On-Scene Coordinator (Specific SRU)
S&R Unit
SRU needs to give how much advanced notice before arriving on-scene?
15 minutes
How often are SITREPs given?
15 prior, at arrival, and every 24 hours after.
SITREP paragraphs
Situation Action taken Future plan/recommendation Amplifying information Case studies
SAP paragraphs
Situation Reports Action Search area Execution Coordination Communications
Where do we get right to take/refuse SAR?
14 USC 88
Where do we get the requirement to develop, establish, maintain, and operate rescue facilities?
14 USC 2
Can we enter foreign waters for SAR?
Yes: “assistance entry” Private property is also ok.
What is “abandoned property”?
Property that has been relingquised with the intent to give it up. CGLawyers need to determine if the property is really abandoned.
What is “unclaimed property”?
Left unattended by its owners but with the intent to retrieve it later.
Non-distress Policy
SMC actions:
Advise of assistance policy
Seek desires/issue MARB
Monitor responses and ETAs
Respond accordingly
CG Resources can respond to non-distress when:
- No higher priority missions are on-going
- No other capable resource is “reasonably available” before potential deterioration would occur.
3 general rules when CG assists in non-distress:
1- The first responder normally provides assistance
2- CG and CG AUX tow to nearest safe-haven
3- Once a tow is undertaken, there is no requirement to break the tow
Can AUX tow non-distress?
Must inform SMC.
CG can be held liable.
CG General Salvage Policy
CG “should engage” (not “must” or “shall”) in salvage other than towing when:
- No commercial service is on-scene, and
- Limited salvage “can prevent a worsening situation or complete loss of the vessel”
2 foundations/principles of CG salvage
CG units and personnel shall not be unduly hazarded in performing salvage
At discretion of CO/OIC
Salvage operations that may be permitted include:
Pulling (from sand bar into deeper water)
Refloating can occur if/when:
CO/OIC approves
CG is capable
Owner request help and agrees to specific effort
CG personnel are not unduly hazarded
Considerations in determining whether CG should engage in fire fighting
Level of risk Level of training Fire fighting capabilities Threat of the fire Jurisdiction / capabilities of local FD
Guidelines for CG fire fighting
In support of regular FD ops
Under Fire Officer supervision
No independent FF ops except to save life or if early efforts could prevent significant LoL or DtP