SAR Flashcards
Landing zone requirements for helicopters should take into consideration:
Size Requirements
Overhead Instructions
Define the basic requirements for a landing zone (LZ) or heliport
Will vary due to conditions, the helicopter pilot will always advise the minimum LZ size prior to each landing.
To adequately protect yourself, searchers involved in helicopter operations should ensure that they have the following safety equipment for themselves and any subjects:
Hearing Protection
You must always assume the helicopter pilot and crew cannot see you while they are landing.
It is only safe to approach the helicopter whe:
A crew member has signaled to you it is alright to approach from a specific direction.
Clues/evidence located int he field should be immediately reports to base, then:
Instruction from command should be followed.
In tracking, “sign” can be best described as:
Scuffs, bruising, and breakage.
List 3 elements that are necessary for fire
Heat, Oxygen, Fuel
what is the minimum amount of water that a SAR member should carry into a field on a mission?
2-4 Litres
Four methods to purify water are:
Chemical: Bacteria, Virus, some parasites
Boiling: Bacteria, Virus, Parasites
UV: Bacteria, Virus, Parasites
Filtering: Bacteria, Parasites, some contaminants
The fundamentals of survival in a non-urban environment are:
A positive mental attitude and maintaining stable core body temperature.
Methods to control bleeding include:
Direct pressure
pressure bandages
True or Fales: Limb immobilization (splinting) can be achieved in the field by walking sticks, ski poles, paddles, SAM splints, other materials strong enough to serve the purpose, or by taping the affected limb to another limb.
Common weather hazards in SAR include:
Snow, Rain, Heat
Different types of hazards on search missions include:
Common climate hazards, forest fires
Hunters, poachers, animals
Drug production areas
True or False: Searching in winter requires an awareness of the potential for avalanches and tree well entrapment.
When searching for moving water, an effective personal flotation device needs to be:
Correct size and type
Be worn
Be fastened correctly using all required fasteners
If a search member is injured, becomes lost, or shows signs of an environmental illness such as hypothermia, altitude sickness, or heat exhaustion:
The team leader should notify base immediately and cease the team mission until the situation is resolved.
Common signs of hypothermia include:
Shivering, poor muscle coordination, slurred/slow speech, subject may be wet.
Proper field treatment of hypothermia include:
Warm the subject, provide fluids, ensure they are dry
Methods to prevent hypothermia include:
Wear proper clothing for conditions
Eat and drink warm food and fluids
Stay active, but don’t exert yourself to the point that sweat will dampen clothing.
Common signs of hyperthermia include:
Nausea, dizziness, fast pulse, muscle pain, cramps
Proper field treatment for hyperthermia
Stop physical activity and move to cool place
Sip water or beverage with electrolytes
Loosen tight clothing and place cool damp cloths on body
Prevention of hyperthermia:
Wear proper clothing for conditions
Remain hydrated
Reduce exertion in hot environments
Methods to prevent frostbite:
Wear proper clothing for conditions/tasks
Keep tissue covered and warm
To treat frostbite you should:
Immobilize the area, keep it from getting colder, avoid pressure/contact.
Symptoms of frostbite include:
Numb, pale/waxy skin, hardening of tissue
5 methods heat is tranferred
Dehydration is a concern when:
Any environment when a person has not consumed enough water to replace the amount used during activity and bodily functions.
True or False: Always make sure your pack is fastened securely before crossing moving water
True or False: Searchers should evaluate themselves or be evaluated for fatigue before they demobilize from a search to ensure they are safe to drive home.
Who can stop a search assignment for safety reasons
True of False: The highest priority in all SAR missions is the safety of the responders
What types of maps can be used in SAR?
topographic, State forestry, Trail
The area in a map township and range section square is:
1 mile by 1 mile
What are the three most commonly used coordinate systems?
Lat/Long, Township range, UTM
UTM coordinates are divided into grid squares of:
1000x1000m or 1square km