SAQs Flashcards
Surgical scenario:
- Perioperative assessments w reasoning
- Health hx: bio info, additional considerations (e.g. visual/hearing/mobility disability/impairment(s), mobility devices), allergies, next of kin, cultural needs, emotional status
- Body systems:
A) Cardiac assessment: bloods, cardiac enzymes, CXR/ echocardiography, telemetry, stress test, cardiac catheterization and invasive monitoring. End of bed-o-gram = colour, peripheral perfusion, skin, speech.
B) Respiratory assessment: part 1- health hx, family health hx, smoking hx, current management/ meds and DNR. Part 2- inspection (RR, depth, WOB), vital signs (BP, HR, SPO2, peak flow), Auscultation (breath sounds – wheezing), palpation (warmth/ perfusion), and presence of dyspnoea, cough, sputum, haemoptysis and chest pain.
C) Musculoskeletal assessment: posture, gate, bone integrity, joint function, muscle strength and size, skin, neuromuscular status. Soft tissue injuries (contusion, strain, sprain, dislocation) – treat with RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation). - Baseline observations (including pain) so the patient’s normal can be used as a comparison
- Assessment for risks of PO complications (e.g. pressure injury, haemorrhage, falls)
- Nutritional assessment: nutritional status, fasting status, BGL, BMI/height/weight
- Assess surgical site, side, procedure
- Fluid balance, if necessary
- Emotional status, i.e. anxiety
- Assess airway, breathing circulation
- Assess pain + response
- Assess dressing, drains, drips, drugs
Immediate PO nursing interventions w rationale
- Assess breathing and administer supplemental O2 if necessary/prescribed; provides baseline and helps identify s+s of resp. distress early
- Monitor vital signs and note skin warmth, moisture and colour; baseline and helps to identify s+s of shock early
- Assess surgical site and wound drainage systems; baseline and helps identify s+s of haemorrhage early
- Assess LOC, orientation and ability to move extremities (neuro obs); baseline and identify s+s of neurological complications
- Assess pain level, characteristics (location, quality) and timing, type and route of administration of last dose of analgesic; baseline of current pain level and effectiveness of pain management
- Assess IV site for patency and infusions for correct rate and solution; helps to detect phlebitis and prevents errors in rate and solution type
- Assess urine output; helps identify signs of urinary retention
- Assess GI function
- What is it?
- Impact?
- What can we do?
- Additional considerations for people with ID.
- What?
- IQ<70
- Decr. ability to understand complex info and learn new skills
- decr. ability to cope independently - Impact?
- Difficulty understanding/responding to Qs
- Difficulty recalling and processing info
- Incr. vulnerability
- Difficulty understanding social cues
- Difficulty understanding social cues
- Difficulty reading/writing, filling forms, concentrating for long periods of time - Interventions
- Sit w them to fill out forms instead of just giving to them
- listen
- take lead from them
- take time to work out their preferred methods of communication
- don’t make assumptions
- involve them in decision making - Considerations
- behavioural assessment incl. developmental stage
- level of independence
- screening (hearing loss/impairment, vision test, oral health, developmental)
This deck isn’t complete, sorry I swapped to just doing the deck with all the lecture content
Sorry, ignore this deck :)