SAQ Prep Flashcards
BLOA definition
States that our anatomy and physiology of our nervous system, endocrine system and genes affect our behaviors.
BLOA Principle 1
Emotions and behaviors are products of our anatomy and physiology.
BLOA Principle 2
Animal research helps to inform our understanding of human behavior.
BLOA Principle 3
Patterns of behavior can be inherited; behavior is innate because it is genetically based.
Research method definition
ways that researchers use and manipulate to conduct their studies; researchers need to have a method for collecting and analyzing data.
6 main research methods
experiments, case studies, observational studies, interviews, surveys/questionnaires and correlational studies
multiple research methods at once
4 main types of triangulation
data, researcher, theoretical and methodological
5 ethical considerations
Protection of from harm
Right to withdraw
Localization of brain function definition
the theory that certain areas of the brain correspond to certain functions, and in that specific areas of the brain control different functions carried out by the brain
Left hemisphere of brain is associated with___.
logic, problem solving, etc. and controls RHS
Right hemisphere of brain is associated with___.
creativity, emotion, etc and controls LHS
4 main lobes
occipital(vision), parietal(higher sense and language functions), frontal(reasoning, problem solving, judgement and creativity) and temporal(perception, hearing, memory and meaning)
Broca’s area
inability to produce language, but can understand
Wernicke’s area
inability to understand language but can speak
neuron definition
nerve cells that send electrical signals to brain for response to external or internal stimuli.
neurotransmission definition
transfer of electrical signals from neuron to neuron
neurotransmitter definition
chemical messengers which transmit information from one neuron to another
What does NT AcH cause?
decreased heart rate and increased production of saliva. At high doses causes convulsions and tremors, and at low levels can contribute to motor dysfunction.
hormones definition
chemical messengers released by glands in endocrine system which circulate in the bloodstream and affect particular cells and organs.
Hormones have effects on both ___ and ___, therefore also affected ___.
physiological;psychological; behavior
Relationship between ___ and ___ is often said to be ___.
environment; physiological;bi-directional
brain plasticity definition; it is ___
brain’s ability to reorganize and adapt to new information and situations; Stimulated by environment, occurs every time something new is learnt and is explicitly shown after brain injury
mirror neurons definition
neurons that fires when an animal or person performs an action, or when the animal observes someone else perform the same action; the neuron mirrors the behavior of another
cognition definition; it includes ____
mental process of acquiring and processing knowledge and understanding through thought, experience and the sense; includes perception, attention, language, memory and thinking.
physiology definition
the way the organism functions
inability to learn new information or retrieve previously stored information
anterograde amnesia
inability to recall new information or form new memories
retrograde amnesia
inability to recall old information or memories
regions of brain affected by amnesia
subcortical and cortical parts of brain, hippocampus.
different types of brain imaging tech:
magnetic resonance imaging
What is MRI tech?
uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce 3D computer-generated images; can distinguish among different types of soft tissue to allow researchers to see structures within the brain.
genetics definition
Genes are segments of DNA inherited by offspring from the parent and are responsible for the development of behavioral characteristics.