SAPPC Information Security Flashcards
What is the key to providing protection to transferred material?
Vigilance and strict adherence to transmission and transportation policy
Classified Transporting/Transmitting Policies and Guidance
- DoDM 5200.01 v3 2. NISPOM - DoD 5220.22-M 3. Standard practice procedures (SPP) may provide additional procedures for implementing the guidance in the NISPOM. 4. The contract may also include provisions with more specific guidance on how to transport and transmit classified material.
When is transmission/transportation of classified appropriate?
The sender has the authority, based on contract or government authorization, to share the material AND The receiver has a legitimate need to know, clearance, and appropriate secure storage for the material
Receiver Responsibilities
- Have procedures in place to ensure that only authorized personnel receive classified packages, regardless of how they arrive 2. Inspect immediately for any damage that may have occurred in transit and for signs of tampering 3. Ensure there is a receipt 4. Ensure the inventory matches the receipt
How to ensure a receiver’s ability to protect classified?
• Ascertain the facility clearance and storage capability of a contractor facility: -Contact the appropriate DCSA Field Office -Contact the FSO -Review contractor data in the Industrial Security Facilities Database (ISFD) • Determine the storage capability at a U.S. government facility: -Contact the facility
What level of transfer requires a receipt?
Secret and above
What to do if a package is received without a receipt?
-Contact the sender -Ensure all items are accounted for -Ensure the sender includes required receipts in any future shipments
If the inventory matches the receipt, what do you do next?
-Sign the receipt and mail it back to the sender -Enters the materials into your own classified information management system -Safeguard the materials
If the inventory does not match the receipt what do you do?
Contact the sender immediately and initiate a preliminary inquiry to ascertain whether any classified information has been lost or compromised
What do you do if there are signs of tampering?
The Facility Security Officer (FSO) at the receiving facility must send a report to the Cognizant Security Office (CSO) in accordance with the NISPOM.
Top Secret Methods of Transport
- Defense Courier Service 2. Designated Courier/ Escort/ Handcarrier 3. CSA Approved Secure Communications
The Defense Courier Service will not transfer…
• Contraband, (including controlled substances) • Explosives, ammunition, firearms, and components • Radioactive material, etiological, or other hazardous material • Flammables • Liquids • Batteries • Currency, military payment certificates, bonds, securities, precious metals, jewels • Postage stamps or other negotiable instruments
Ensure what 4 things before using a secure telephone to transmit classified information?
• Classification level of discussion matches device classification level • Sender and receiver both have appropriate clearance and need to know • Equipment is secure • Ability exists to control access to physical location
Escort vs. Courier vs. Handcarrier
Handcarrier - A cleared employee who may on occasion transport classified material Escort - A cleared employee who accompanies a shipment of classified material to its destination Courier - A cleared employee whose principal duty is to transmit classified material
Methods of transfer for Secret information
-All Top Secret methods -USPS Express and Registered Mail -Cleared Commercial Carrier -Cleared Commercial Messenger Service -CSA-Approved Commercial Delivery Company
3 Requirements for USPS Express Mail
• NEVER execute Block 11-B of label (Waiver of Signature and Indemnity) • A cleared employee must give the parcel directly to USPS personnel (use of street-side boxes is prohibited) • Be sure your parcel will be back under control in a timely manner -Recommend transmit of materials on a day that will ensure the recipient will be available to receive it on the following day
NEVER use GSA Approved Commercial Delivery Service to transmit what type of information?
Confidential Methods of Transport
All the methods of Top Secret and Secret Non-Cleared Commercial Carrier USPS Certified Mail
What is Constant Surveillance Service (CSS)?
A transportation protective service provided by a commercial carrier qualified to transport Confidential shipments
What is the Protective Security Service?
A transportation protective service provided by a cleared commercial carrier qualified by the Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) to transport Secret shipments
What roles require a courier briefing?
Couriers Hand-carriers Escorts
What are the requirements for Couriering, Handcarrying and Escorting?
-Courier briefing -Carry ID card or badge that includes name and photo -Retain classified material in their personal possession at all times or under surveillance at all times (escort) -Ensure a system for keeping track of classified materials being transmitted or transported
When do systems for tracking the classified materials start?
Begins before the materials leave the facility.
What 5 things must be included in escort instructions and operating procedures?
• Name and address of persons to whom the classified material is to be delivered • Receipting procedures • Means of transportation and the route to be used • Duties of each escort during movement, during stops en route, and during loading and unloading operations • Emergency communication procedures
Name 3 things that handcarriers and escorts should not do while transmitting classified materials.
-Do not discuss classified material in public -Do not open the materials en route -Do not deviate from the authorized travel route or schedule. -Never, under any circumstances, leave classified materials unattended or unsecured -During overnight stops, they must not store classified materials in anything other than an authorized container (no hotel safes, etc.)
How to handle overnight storage for handcarrying and escorts?
Must store the classified materials at a prearranged U.S. military facility, U.S. government facility, U.S. embassy, or cleared U.S. contractor facility in a manner appropriate for the classification level of the materials.
Who do you contact if there is suspicious activity or an incident while en route?
Cognizant Security Officials. Local law enforcement, if safety is threatened.
Post-trip Procedures
Transfer is not not complete until the classified materials has been accounted for at the point of origin. -If returning materials to the original facility, then return them in a properly sealed package. Materials will be re-inventoried to make sure they are all there. -If materials are not being returned, produce a receipt signed by the security officer from the organization to which they were delivered, thereby releasing custody of the classified material. Receipt must be returned to the organization that originated the shipment.
What is prohibited during airline travel with classified?
Under no circumstances may the handcarrier or airport security personnel open the classified package! If officials are insisting: -Show them the authorization letter -Ask for special handling *If necessary, abort the trip rather than allow officials to open the package.
What do you do if airport security asks you to open the classified package?
Discreetly tell the screener that the package contains U.S. Government classified information and cannot be opened. The Courier Authorization Letter may be produced at this time.
Escort Duties
- Ensure personal travel documents are complete, valid, and current -Have advance arrangements for secure overnight storage, if an overnight stay is necessary -Have written instructions that include details about the trip and emergency procedures
Inner Wrapping Consideration
-If classified text comes in direct contact with the inner wrapper, there is a risk of exposure through image transfer or the surreptitious use of technology that can render the wrapper translucent -Prevent classified text from coming in contact with the inner wrapper by placing something between the document and the envelope or by folding the document in on itself
Reciept for classified information should be where?
Attached or enclosed in the inner wrapper
Outer Wrapper Requirements
-Marked with mailing address (receiving government activity or cleared contractor’s) -Marked with sender’s return address -Does NOT bear any classification markings or special handling instructions indicating that its contents are classified -Does NOT contain individual names, but may include office codes, numbers, or phrases in the Attention line
Name 3 considerations for Briefcases and Pouches when handcarrying
May be used as outer wrapper if… -Made of heavy-duty material with an integral key-operated lock -When locked, its key is kept in a separate, sealed envelope -An internal system is in place to account for and track the location of the pouch and its key. -Sender’s mailing address is on a luggage tag attached to the handle to facilitate its return if it is misplaced -Zippered pouches must have the name and address of the sending organization and the name and telephone number of a point of contact (POC) displayed prominently on the outside -Do NOT place markings, seals, or labels on the briefcase that identify its affiliation with the DoD
Commercial Carrier Shipments - Secret
-Shipped in hardened containers unless exempt -Sealed when there is a full carload or truckload, when the vehicle is used exclusively for classified material, or when a closed and locked compartment is used. Seals must be numbered. -The bill of lading includes seal numbers, instructions for maintaining seals, the notation Protective Security Service Required and emergency instructions
What information should be included on a receipt?
The name of the sender The name of the recipient Contents of the package
-Security program that denies unauthorized individuals information of value that they might derive from possessing or studying telecommunications -Ensures those communications are authentic
What guidance is available for transmitting and transporting COMSEC materials?
Follow guidance from the Central Office of Record (COR) on transmitting and transporting accountable COMSEC materials.
Transporting/Transmitting Intelligence Information
-Refer to documents cited in the contract for special handling procedures -Obtain written authorization of the releasing agency before disclosing or releasing classified intelligence information, even to a subcontractor
Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information (CNWDI)
Level: Top Secret or Secret -Research and development that reveals the theory of operation or design of the components of a thermonuclear or fission bomb, warhead, demolition munitions, or test device.
Transporting/Transmitting CNWDI
-Requires approval from the Government Contracting Activity (GCA) before transmitting outside the facility -Verify with the Cognizant Security Agency (CSA) that the receiving facility has been authorized to access the CNWDI
International Transfer
-Involve the GCA as early as possible -Control classified material until it is officially transferred to the intended recipient government (the designated government representative (DGR) actually receives the material) -Only use government-approved channels -Prepare written transmission instructions and a transportation plan for all transfers
Required Elements of a Transportation Plan
Plan title Date of movement Authorization/Approval
Name 5 Possible Transportation Plan Elements
-Purpose -Description of consignment -Identification of responsible government or company representatives -Identification of commercial entities to be involved in each shipment -Packaging the consignment -Routing of the consignment -Requirement for an escort when applicable -Couriers/escorts -Recipient responsibilities -Return of material -Freight forwarders -U.S. Government Designated Government Representative (DGR) -Recipient Government DGR
Prerequisite of a Transportation Plan
Research and coordinate with various officials: • Local • State • Federal • Foreign government authorities who will receive the shipment.
Foreign Government Information (FGI)
Classified information that the U.S. receives from a foreign government or international organization or that the U.S. produces as a result of a joint arrangement with a foreign government or international organization
FGI Transport/Transmission
Use the same channels as for U.S. classified information of an equivalent classification. *Exception: Never use non-cleared express overnight carriers.
NATO Transport/Transmission
-Individuals requiring access to NATO classified information must receive a security briefing -Before sending out NATO classified information, contractors must ensure the recipients are authorized to receive it. -Classified NATO information can be transmitted only through government-to-government channels unless both the sending and receiving governments agree in writing to an alternative.
Who to consult before shipping FGI?
Consult the Cognizant Security Agency (CSA) and the NISPOM to make sure you follow appropriate transmission and transportation procedures.
Who to consult before shipping COMSEC?
Before shipping COMSEC materials you should consult the Central Office of Record (COR), the NISPOM, and your specific contract to make sure you follow appropriate transmission and transportation procedures.
Who to consult before shipping CNWDI
Before shipping CNWDI you should consult the Government Contracting Activity (GCA), the Cognizant Security Agency (CSA), and DoDD 5210.2 to make sure you follow appropriate transmission and transportation procedures.